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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 111:
The next few days go by fast and before long, it's time to say goodbye to Sebastian and Kara. I've loved every moment and minute with them and I wish we could stay and never leave! It's the 14th of July so we have to get back soon as it's my birthday next week so we need to sort the house out a bit more and go shopping before my party. Sebastian and Kara can't come though as they're going to Australia for a few months so I won't see them at my party sadly. I hope they have fun though!

We finish packing up our things and say goodbye, "Have a safe flight and don't forget about us!" I say as I hug Kara.
"I won't and thank you! Enjoy turning 17, finally! Also stay safe as you must protect that bump of yours!" Kara jokes as she pokes my stomach.
"See you soon. Thanks for letting us stay here. You're welcome to come and visit us whenever." Ezra says as he hugs Kara before moving on to hug Sebastian.
"Drive safe." Sebastian adds.

We then grab our things and take them downstairs but before I have the chance to walk down the stairs, Kara grabs my stuff and carries it down herself. "Thank you, you don't have to - I'm quite capable of taking this all down on my own though." I say.
"No you're not! You were almost dropping things!" Kara says with a stern look, "No carrying heavy things, okay?" She says.
"Fineeee." I agree.

Once we get down the stairs and out to our car, we say one last goodbye before getting into the car and driving off. In the distance, I hear a faint call of "Bye!"  as we begin to drive home, back to Rosewood. Goodbye for now.


No excuses but I'm back! I sort of forgot to update and didn't open Wattpad for a month. The last few weeks of school were crazy and I was super stressed out but I survived and retook my French speaking and got at least an A and the show of the Wizard of Oz went amazing!

EZRIA GOT ENGAGED IN PLL OMG FINALLY! Comment below and we can just freak out together! To celebrate, I'm about to write another chapter as I need to make Wattpad my priority as I haven't and have barely updated over the past 8 months or so and I'm so sorry for that. I haven't really put much effort into it and I've kind of lost the interest in writing but I can feel it coming back and I have new ideas for Ezria fanfictions so I might write some today and begin posting to give myself options to post and update!
See you soon and thanks for 141k reads! This is insane and I can't believe it, thank you all so, so, so much! ❤️❤️❤️

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