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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 72:
"I promise that I will help pay for stuff. I don't want to rely on you for everything. This is sort of my whole fault but I am ready to step up. I can do this, I know I can." I say to Ella.
"I will help pay for as much as I can, as well as setting aside money for a house of our own when we are ready. We need to do this together, raising a baby takes both parents, I won't let anything bad happen to Aria or the baby. I will love the baby as much as I love Aria, maybe even more if that's possible." Ezra says to my parents. He is so loving and willing to do as much as he can, he is truly ready to become a father, I just hope I am really for motherhood.
"Okay, that is good. You will be amazing parents, I just know it. When should you move in Ezra? I would say sooner rather than later so we can start sorting out as much as we can but I'm not sure that it would be the best idea for Aria's education at Rosewood High as rumours will spread like wildfire and that could end in Aria maybe getting suspended. We need to sort out schooling. Maybe I could tutor Aria and she could be homeschooled? That's just an idea." Ella says.
"I think that's a good idea. I could then look after the baby and won't need as much child care. I don't want to leave school straight away though. Can I at least wait until I'm showing?" I ask my mum.
"Okay, it's up to you. Whenever you are ready to leave, just tell me and I can sort it out. Don't worry." Ella says and she gets up from her chair at the dining room table to give me a hug for support.
"Okay. Thank you Mum, and Dad of course. Thank you for not being that mad, well at least not showing it and just supporting me with my decision. I couldn't do this without you here. I love you guys. I will try and be the best mother ever." I say with tears in my eyes as I give my parents the biggest hug ever.

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