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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 68:
We arrive at Spencer's house and order pizza so that we can do our homework whilst having dinner, and then watch movies afterwards. I text my mum to tell her that I'm staying over and that I'll be home first thing in the morning to talk to her about the plan because I haven't actually thought of a proper plan for this baby yet.

We eat our pizza and do homework for hours, and soon enough it's time to go to sleep - well I do keep yawning every 5 minutes so I probably should go to sleep. We get into old t-shirts and brush our teeth with the toothbrushes we keep at Spencer's; it's gotten to the point that we sleep over at each other's houses so much that we have our own toothbrushes there. We talk for a while before slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.


I wake up at 8am and get my stuff together as I should probably head back home. I write a note to the girls saying that I'm heading home and that I'll text them later and leave it on Spencer's mirror. I then leave the house and stroll home. Time to actually get serious and talk about the baby plan... Yay

Hey guys, I am so sorry that I haven't updated in over a week. I don't really have a good reason to why I haven't updated in a while, I've just been busy doing absolutely nothing. Literally, I just lay on my bed after school doing nothing, for hours. I also haven't been wanting to write (and also haven't been eating or sleeping properly) and I hate writing when I'm not in the mood because it's never as good. I'll try and start to frequently updating again because I like doing that; it means that I'm actually doing something productive.

Connor update (if anyone cares): I'm telling him on the last day of school (which someone sort of pointed out is April Fools Day - so I'm hoping that he doesn't think that it's a joke). I've told a drama friend and she's really excited and probably more nervous than me - when I showed her the lyrics I wrote out, she started to uncontrollably shake. By the way, I wrote out the lyrics to Enchanted by Taylor Swift and it took over 3 hours to write in pencil, centre, go over in pen and to highlight all of the things that stick out. Connor knows that I'm on a mission because I told him that I'm on a mission to get him a cat and also on another mission that he can't know about yet. He keeps asking me about it and is really curious which I think is good? Also, I'm getting my drama friend to find out if he likes me, she told me that he's definitely single which is good. I'm just so nervous and scared!
Another thing: on Tuesday last week Connor chased me around my science class at the start of the lesson with about 15-20 people watching, including my teacher. People then kept asking if we were/are dating and said that we would look good together and they also said that they shipped us which is again, I guess good?

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