Bring It On

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 106:

~The Next Day~

After a fun filled night, we went back home and passed out on the couch and didn't wake up until 12pm oops.
"Um... Ezra?" I ask, slightly dazed and confused with messy bed hair, still in my clothes from last night.
"Huh?" He asks as he sits up, pushing his hair out of his face, "What's the time?" He questions as he starts to come back to reality.
"12:03pm. Ut-oh... Oops. Weren't we aiming to leave by 12?" I say as I burst out laughing.
"Come on, we probably should get ready and get our stuff together so we can leave." He says as he gets up from the couch, placing the blankets that lay on him to the side. I'm guessing someone must have placed blankets on us after we had passed out.

We get up, go upstairs and I grab some clothes to change into before running into the bathroom, shutting the door, turning the shower on and getting in. I begin to wash my hair before feeling someone next to me. I turn to see Ezra kissing my neck. I swear I locked the door.
"Hmmmm... Baby." I say as I turn around and begin kissing his soft lips.
"Shhhhhh..." He whispers.

We make out for what feels like forever before getting out, brushing our teeth and getting dressed. I quickly brush out my hair before running back into my room and throwing a load of clothes into a duffel bag. I decided to wear a white sundress dress with black converse since it's comfy yet cute. I had planned out what I was taking on this trip but hadn't gotten it out as I've been so busy and was going to last night but we got back too late and well... As stated before, passed out on the sofa. Ezra does the same and before long, we're all ready to go. I grab my keys and a bunch of food from the kitchen before loading everything into the car with Ezra. We say goodbye to my mum and dad then get into the car and hit the road. Bring on the road trip!


Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has had a lovely day full of love and family (and maybe presents too hehe) and happy holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas. Thank you for all of your support over the year and I can't believe that this time last year, One Mistake reached 20k and now it's at 109k! Thank you so much for everything! I'm so sorry that I've been updating irregularly, I've been prioritising my school work as it is getting really stressful and I have no time to even breathe. I do hope to update again soon but I can't guarantee that as I have another 15% of my French GCSE on the first day back of school and an end of unit test in History on Russia which I want at least a B, preferably an A on so after that I can hopefully relax for a little bit. I love you all so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much! Happy Christmas,
xoxofearlessgirl ❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️

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