Thinking Out Loud

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 42:
"Oh my god, what am I doing. I'm not thinking straight. I'm crazy. What am I doing in New York? Seriously!? I'm so stupid!" I think to myself but then realise that I said it out loud. "Oh Sebastian, what the hell am I doing here. I should be home with my family and boyfriend. I'm so stupid! What am I thinking!" I say to him.
"Aria. Don't blame yourself entirely. You're pregnant. Your hormones will probably be all over the place, making you second guess stuff, do crazy things without thinking, and drive yourself crazy. You need to calm down and relax. It's getting late now. Do you want to crash here tonight? I could ask my girlfriend Kara if she could keep you company. I think you need a girl to talk to. I'm probably useless. It shouldn't be a problem for her as she's staying in the city at the moment." He says to me.
"Maybe. I don't know. I'm so confused. I'm all over the place. I need to go home but it's nearly 11pm. There won't be any buses at this time of night back to Rosewood and I don't know my way around the city." I say back to him. I don't know what to do right now. No clue whatsoever.
"Look. Why don't I take you back home early tomorrow. Then there won't be much traffic and you won't need to worry about how you're getting home. It's no problem. Anyway, I would like to see where you live. Kara probably would too. She loves going to new places. I'll go and call her now." He says as he heads to the phone.
"Oh ok. Thank you so much! I can't believe someone that I've just met could be so kind. I'm sorry that you've had to put up with me and all of my crazy emotions and my random nonsense and rambling. I must repay you somehow." I say to him with a slight smile.
"You letting me take you home tomorrow and see what Rosewood is like is enough for me." He says. He dials a number into the phone in his hand and I begin to hear a faint voice of a girl on the other end. She sounds so bubbly and happy. I wonder what she's like in person.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting, I haven't been feeling good recently and I'm so fed up of school and being alone. I've been so stressed out about school work too but it's all been done and handed in now and tomorrow is my last day of lessons then Friday is a half day in tutor. I'm excited for Christmas and the holidays because it means that I can write more. I also wasn't posting because I didn't know what to write. I just finished reading everything I've written so far and decided that I don't exactly like how the story was going in my mind because it suddenly changed and it's not what I originally had in mind. I know where I'm going with it now though. I hope you guys are looking forward to Christmas and thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting, I now have over 500 votes!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!! I have 18.5k which is crazy and I never imagined coming so far in my writing and writing fan fiction has really made me what to become a writer but I don't think I'm good enough. Anyway, my Christmas wish is for 20k but I very much doubt that I will get it. I'm not thirsty for reads, I'm so thankful for people setting aside their precious time to reading what I've written. I never imagined getting so many reads. It's crazy. I remember when I had less than a 100 reads. It feels like it was only yesterday but it was about 5 months ago now! Thank you so much for your support. I love writing One Mistake so much!

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