Hide And Seek

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 108:
After catching up on the past couple of months, we decide to go out for dinner at a local pizza place.
"Hurry up and tell me the gender... Please!" Kara tells playfully to me as we walk down the street to get pizza.
"No." I say with a giggle.
"Oh Kara, didn't I tell you that I found out!" Sebastian jokes.
"Are you serious?! Tell me!" She says as she punches Sebastian's arm.
"Nope, this is too funny." He calls.
"My lips are sealed." Ezra says as he pretends to lock his lips and throw away the key.
"I hate you all!" Kara moans.
"No you don't." I say.
"Okay, you're right. But I still want to know so I can get baby stuff!" She replied back.


After our meal, we walk through a park and watch the little kids play with no care in the world on the warm summer night. I can't wait to take our baby here as he grows up!
"Okay, Kara. I think we should play a game. If I win, you'll have to figure out the gender yourself. But if you win, I'll tell you the gender and buy you a pizza slice. Deal?" I say as I turn to her.
"Ugh fine, finally!" She replies, "So what's the game?" She questions.
"Hide and seek. A classic of course. If you can't find me within ten minutes, you lose. Go!" I yell as I run away from her into the wilderness of the trees. This shall be... Interesting.

Hi guys, I'm back. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in about two months but I have been going through an awful lot in my family and will continue to for an unknowable amount of time. I've also been doing a lot at school but I have my last French controlled assessment on the 19th of April and then I will be free from practising French yay! I then have pre-publics in June though ugh. One of my cats has also been really ill this past week but we think she's now recovering thankfully. I'm on my Easter holiday break now for two weeks so I hope to update more frequently in amongst the French revision as I only have to learn my paragraphs over the holidays and no other homework yay! I'm currently on the train back home after spending the day in London which has been fun and I'm about to try and write more now so look out for new chapters soon. Again, I'm so sorry for not updating but I have family related problems right now and really haven't been in the mood and have barely opened the Wattpad app. I hope you all understand but thank you for all of your love and support for One Mistake, I love you all so much,

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