How Should I Tell

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 3:

I've got to tell Ezra but I don't know how. It's not like you can text someone the news of 'You know that one night we did it? Yeah well surprise, I'm pregnant!', especially not if you're 16 and you're dating your old English teacher and your parents barely approve. They probably still think that I'm a virgin. Well, I'm not. At least there isn't an 'A' to find out about this... I hope.

I must think of a clever way to tell Ezra, a way he won't get mad or over-react. Mind you, he'll probably start crying because of happiness knowing him. He loves children, we both do. Let's hope he will be happy. Maybe this will turn out okay. Telling him will hopefully be easier than telling my parents. I bet my dad will kick me out but I'll need him. I will need help in supporting this baby if I am to keep it, I mean him or her. But before I do anything else, I need a doctor to actually give me proper test because I don't want to go telling anyone (not that I would) that I'm pregnant. I don't want the drama when I don't actually need it. The question is, how will I get a doctor to examine me without anyone finding out?

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