Surprise Date

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One Mistake: An a Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 81:
Class ends for the day so I head home to take a nap as I'm exhausted and I don't have to work today.

When I wake up, I'm surprised with Ezra sat at my window seat reading a book.
"Oh good, you're awake." He says.
"When did you get here?" I ask curiously.
"About an hour ago. Your mum said that you've been asleep for 3 hours. School must have been tiring. Have you been sleeping okay at night?" He asks me.
"Yeah, I guess. School was stressful today though as people nearly found out that I'm pregnant. I don't know what to do about school. Do I tell people, do I let rumours spread or do I just not turn up next school year and stay at home and come up with an excuse?" I say, beginning to worry.
"Everything will be fine. Just relax. Why don't you get changed and I can take you out for dinner like I planned." He says sweetly as he stands up and puts the book down on my desk.
"Okay. Where are we going?" I ask.
"It's a surprise." He mutters.


I am so forgetful and keep forgetting to update. I feel so bad. I was so busy from the start of July as it was the end of the school year, I had to pack for my school trip to Munich (which was AMAZING!), I threw up two days before leaving for Munich opps, I didn't have proper wifi until the last night on the trip when we moved to a hotel because the hostel was so noisy and the drivers couldn't sleep and didn't want to move without us. We did so much on that trip so there was no time to write. I also sprained my ankle on the last day and it was so swollen so I couldn't walk as it hurt so much. My last week of school was so busy but fun. The summer holidays started last week and I've been doing a lot of stuff with friends and was just enjoying no school. I haven't been opening up the Wattpad app at all or checking my emails so I haven't been seeing comments or votes and it turns out I've had over 300 notifications altogether within the past two times of opening the wattpad app (in like 2-3 weeks) which is crazy so thank you so much! Please, please, please comment when you want me to update/ when I haven't updated in a while as I'm so forgetful and never remember to update unless I'm constantly reminded(so thank you to the person who has been reminding me as without you, who knows when I would have updated in the end). I've gotten into the habit of not updating much which I know is annoying so PLEASE TELL ME TO UPDATE! It never annoys me so just comment daily if you really want 😂😂😂 I will try my hardest to update more as I have time to now so I will try (and probably fail) to update within the next 2-3 days. I just need to go on a writing spree and write several chapters.

One Mistake: An Ezria FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now