What Might Happen?

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 30:

I get back to the girls and they quickly finish their conversation. "Oh good you're back." Hanna says.

"Yeah. Ezra's coming over now. Okay. So. What should we do whilst we're waiting?" I ask.

"Talk about your baby duh!" Hanna says.

"Have you been to the doctors yet? You know, to know that you're sure and all." Spencer asks curiously.

"Yeah. I'm due December 3rd. I'm having a winter baby yay!" I say. I've always wanted a baby born in December, let's hope he or she comes on time.

"Awwwwww... We'll be able to buy cute winter onesies for him or her. I can't wait!!!" Hanna says too excitedly.

"I can't wait to be an Aunty or big sister or whatever!" Emily says.

"I can't believe you're going to be a mum. You're going to be an amazing one!" Spencer adds.

"Awwwwww thanks. I love you guys. I can't imagine life without you. I'm so nervous but so excited. The only two things I'm not looking forward to are the whole getting fat and people at school finding out. I have no clue what will happen when people find out that Ezra is the father of my baby. What happens if he looses his job at Hollis for getting an old student of his pregnant or what if I get kicked out of school for having sex with a former teacher? Oh my god I'm so scared. What good will come out of this?" I question with tears in my eyes.

"You'll have a beautiful baby that you'll love to pieces. More good will come soon Aria. Just you wait and see." Spencer says. She always knows what to say in a bad situation.

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