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Y/N WAS STILL LAYING ON the hospital bed, alone. She was thinking about what the first task would be like – and she was super bummed that she wouldn't be able to see it.

She was looking forward to watching Harry Potter get absolutely wrecked, but what could she do? Madam Pomfrey told her to stay.

She figured she'd just rely on Emma's amazing story telling skills. Or like the boys would call her – the gossip queen.

She stood up and walked towards the window – and from there, she could only see the outline of the bleachers that the rest of the students were at, not the actual competition.

Frowning, she sat back down on the bed, fiddling with her fingers out of boredom.

Someone entered the hospital wing – Y/n could hear footsteps approaching. She was really shocked to find Jace, in his Hufflepuff sweatshirt, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

He smiled at her – while Y/n was still staring at him weirdly. What would he be doing here?

"Hey," he greeted, "Feeling better?" Although confused, she still responded. "Yeah, should be out of here tomorrow."

Jace grinned, nodding, "That's good."

He just sat there – and Y/n couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't cheering on Cedric down at the tournament – but was there in the hospital with her.

"Why aren't you watching the first task?" she asked – merely out of curiosity. "I didn't want you to be alone," he replied, "But do you want me to leave?"

With the intentions of being polite, Y/n shook her head. "No, i'd love for you to stay, but i also don't want you to miss out on it just because of me."

Jace chuckled – looking down to his lap. He then looked back up at Y/n's eyes and said, "I don't mind, really. Dragons freak me out."

Y/n widened her eyes – staring at him in shock. "Dra – Dragons?" she stuttered. Jace nodded, "Yeah, that's the first task – dragons."

"Why are they putting kids near dragons?" Y/n asked in disbelief, worried for her friends. "This tournament really is  a death wish – and what about the audience?"

"It's okay," Jace reassured, placing his hand on hers shoulder, "The dragons are chained up – Dumbledore's got it under control. Cedric was able to get past it."

"Sometimes i tend to forget how much of a talented wizard that bloke is," Y/n smiled – gushing over her friend's abilities.

"Yeah," Jace agreed, "I think he's a bit of a beast."

Y/n chuckled at Jace's statement, before looking out of a window. There – she saw Harry Potter riding a broom stick, and a dragon chasing after him.

She widened her eyes and stood up immediately. As much as she disliked him, she couldn't let the bloke die because of a silly tournament.

She banged on the window – but got no response from Harry.

"Could you help me open this, please?" said Y/n to Jace. He agreed and ran to the window, opening it.

"Thank you," said Y/n, before she began yelling to Harry.

"Potter!" she shouted, "Potter!"

That seemed to have caught his attention. Harry turned – finding Y/n. He flew closer to the window she was at and asked, "Lewis, what are you doing?"

"Go under that bridge right there!" Y/n instructed, "The dragon can't get through there!"

Harry looked at the direction she was pointing – to the bridge. He nodded, and gave her a thumbs up. "Thank you so much!" yelled Harry, relieved.

He went on to do what Y/n told him to do – and she was right. The dragon crashed against the bridge, making it fall down.

"That was a nice thing you did there," said Jace, adoring her.

"So what, i was supposed to let him die?" Y/n said, "Come on now, i'm not that evil."


The next day, a bunch of Gryffindors rushed to the hospital wing, when Y/n was preparing to leave.

They all surrounded her, and Dean Thomas picked her up – joined by Seamus Finnigan.

They all cheered – chanted her name.

"Lewis! Lewis!" echoed through the room.

She looked around trying to find her friends, and when she did, Y/n gave them questioning looks. The group merely shrugged and laughed, joining the chant.

Y/n saw Harry holding a golden egg – with raised eyebrows, she stared at him. He looked up and smiled at her, and only then did she realize he had such a beautiful smile.

"Okay!" Y/n shouted, "Put me down!"

The Gryffindor boys complied, placing her down to stand on her own feet.

"What is this all about?" Y/n asked the question she had been wondering – she couldn't figure out why the Gryffindors hyped up and praised a Slytherin so suddenly.

"You're the best, Lewis!" Fred & George Weasley cheered.

"You really are!" Ron joined in, "You and your brother are both just bloody amazing!"

"I know," Y/n nodded, "But what did i do to make you lot realize that?"

Harry stepped forward, offering her his hand. She looked down at it, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You are one weird bloke," she chuckled.

"Thank you, Y/n Lewis, for helping me with the dragon," he said, clutching her hand. He showed her the egg – and said softly, "I couldn't have done it without you."

The Gryffindors began to chant again –

"Potter! Lewis! Potter! Lewis!"

Was all that Y/n heard for the rest of the day.

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