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"HEY, WHY THE LONG FACE?" said Harry as he sat beside Y/n.

She was frowning, sitting all by herself at the Slytherin table – far end. Y/n was thinking about her dad's secrets – the things he didn't tell her about his past.

What was he hiding and why was he hiding it?

She tapped her fingers on the wooden table – letting out a sigh.

Harry placed his hand on her shoulder for comfort – looking around, noticing some eyes were on them, much to his liking.

"You can talk to me," he whispered softly.

"My dad hasn't responded to my letters!" Y/n complained, "I just need to know about him and his friends and why he's hidden it for so long."

"JJ is itching to know too," she added, looking over her shoulder to see her brother who seemed stress. He was pulling and tugging his brown locks – comforted by Hermione beside him.

"Was the stuff i told you not enough?" Harry asked. "Of course not!" said Y/n.

He really did feel bad for her – he didn't know his parents at all, but it must've stung to know that your parents kept secrets from you – hid the truth.

Admittedly, Harry was curious too. It was one of his dad's best friend they were talking about – he also wanted to know more.

"I'll tell you what, Moony gave Hagrid photo albums of the marauders for him to show me," Harry told her, "And i happen to know there's one disclosed folder with the name Henry."

"If it makes you feel any better, we can come down to Hagrid's hut and ask him if we can see it," he offered, smiling at Y/n warmly.

Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach by Harry's sympathy – she nodded, grinning madly as her cheeks heated up. "I'd like that."

"Yeah?" Harry raised his eyebrows, standing up and holding Y/n's hand.
He then called out to JJ, who was sitting at the Gryffindor table. "Well let's just go then. JJ! Hagrid's."


JJ, Hermione, Harry, and Y/n were at Hagrid's hut – requesting him to show them the marauders photo album that Remus handed over to him.

Hagrid was reluctant at first, but after JJ and Y/n's explanation, he seemed to have given in.

He was browsing through cabinets and cabinets, searching for the photo album.

When he finally found it, he placed it on the table – Y/n and JJ seemed very eager to look through it. Especially the folder with the label;

Henry E. Lewis
(Prongsie's favourite, besides Evans)

"He's been telling me to keep quiet – Henry," said Hagrid, "But you are his children, you would find out sooner or later and you deserve to know what your old man's life was like."

He slid the album across the table, mumbling, "Here you go."

JJ took it immediately and opened it. They saw a bunch of pictures of their dad. With Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, and so many more friends. But only a fair few of their mother.

JJ was the most stunned – intrigued. "What was my dad like at school, Hagrid?" he asked, "And when did he become close with mum?"

"Henry was a real playboy i tell ya, both him and Sirius," Hagrid chuckled, "But when he fell in love with Odie, he really did change. 'Twas their last year here if i'm not mistaken."

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