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Harry and Y/n were at the entrance hall. They had just dropped Hermione off at the hospital wing, she said she felt unwell after what happened.

"I can't believe Theo would do this," sighed Y/n, "He's been lying to me – using me – all this time?"

"I can," Harry shrugged, giving her a i told you so look.

"Is this a Harry Potter i told you so moment?"

"It might be."

They both laughed, before Y/n caught her breath and apologized to him. "I'm sorry, Harry, for not believing you. We both know now that you are always right."

"Thank you," he smiled.

He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and lifted her chin before kissing her.

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too."

"I'm so sorry about everything," Harry apologized, looking down gloomily.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," she replied, "You just didn't understand your own feelings and that can happen sometimes, and that's fine."

Harry smiled, and pulled Y/n into a tight hug. He hadn't hugged someone like this. Ever. He had never loved someone like he did Y/n.

"I don't ever wanna let go again," he whispered, and Y/n agreed. "Me neither."

"So we're really doing this now?" he asked, looking down at her. "We're really doing this."

"We don't need a contract, or..?"

"No," Y/n chuckled.

"Our dads are grinning so hard right now," said Harry.

"I bet they are," Y/n nodded.

"I'm happy," Harry laughed.

"Me too, after everything that happened, dad and Sirius being gone, i didn't think i could smile like this again."

"Want me to walk you back?" he offered.

"No, i'm okay, you're gonna be hella tired walking down to the dungeons then all the way to your tower."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, i'll be fine, it's literally just my common room."

"Okay then,"

He kissed her forehead before she stepped away from him.

"I love you," exclaimed Harry, as he too, walked up the stairs.

"Love ya too," Y/n waved. "Bye, Harry."

"See you tomorrow."

Y/n walked back to her common room, and she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Just thinking of Harry, and how insanely happy it made her that they were finally together, after all this time.

She went down the stairs and into the dungeons – it was very late, and nobody was around. She didn't think much of it though, it was way past curfew and she should be rushing to bed.

Y/n walked to the tunnel that led up to her common room, and she found Draco Malfoy standing at the end of it. His platinum blond hair was slicked back, he was wearing a black suit, not pajamas, and his right hand was gripping his wand.

Y/n tried to think of a way to walk past him as she sped her pace. But then he said, "Well, well, well," stopping her in her tracks.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" she hissed, crossing her arms as she looked into his grey eyes.

Malfoy looked half dead. Tired. Emotionless.

He took a step forward, and growled. "You weren't supposed to know."

Y/n felt her heart dropping to her stomach. You weren't supposed to know. She could only assume he was referring to the fact that he and Theo were death eaters – but as far as she knew, Malfoy thought he'd obliviated her.

"What do you mean?" she asked – pretending not to know anything.

"Don't play dumb, Lewis," he scoffed. "You know."

Y/n was terrified. By the look in his eyes, he looked like he could hurt her. She tried to act dumb again, tried to walk past him.

"You're high on something, aren't you?" she sneered. "Good night, Malfoy."

Malfoy stepped in her away. He gripped her wrist forcefully, and said, "If obliviating you doesn't work, you give me no choice."

"Malfoy, stop."

"Potter belongs to the dark lord, but i'm free to kill you any day."

"Malfoy, back up."

"You should've thought this through, Lewis," he raised his wand, and placed it against her chin. "I heard your conversation with Potter."

"Draco," she said weakly, her voice shaking. "I said, back up."

"What's wrong, little Y/n?" he asked, laughing maniacally. "You don't have your courageous little boyfriend with you? Imagine what he'll be like after you die.. He'll be vulnerable and weak, and easier to fight for the dark lord."

Her right hand tried its best to reach the wand in her pocket. Y/n swiftly pulled it out and pressed it against Malfoy's chest before shouting. "Stupefy!"

Malfoy's body got thrown back to the other end of the tunnel, falling to the ground. Y/n glanced at him, who was holding his rib cage and grunting in pain, before she began sprinting toward the common room entrance, praying for the door to open fast.

But before she could even utter the password,

"Avada Kedavra!"

Y/n dropped to the ground and she couldn't feel a thing.

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