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AS I WALK TOWARDS THE STAIRS, i find Harry, sitting on one of the steps. He had his palms clasped together, and it seems like he's waiting for someone.

He's wearing his pajamas, hairs ruffled, eyes tired. His green eyes looks up and finds me, and a smile forms on his lips.

He scoots over to make place for me, inviting me to sit besife him on the stairstep.

I do just that – i sit beside him. His eyes look even more beautiful than how i remembered it to be.

I'm falling in love hard, and he doesn't even realize it.

"Hey," he begins, "Sorry about earlier - i don't even know why i got so upset over a silly song."

Harry, i want to have a song with you, i really do. But i want it to be real.

Instead of saying that, i chuckle.

"Yeah," i say, "But i'm sorry, i'm just not ready to have that with you."

The light in his eyes dim down. He looks down, and reluctantly moves his hands closer to mine – but still not having the courage to touch them.

"Why is that?" he asks, pushing his glasses closer to his eyes.

"Because," i begin, but end up letting out a sigh – running my fingers through my hair nervously.

"You can talk to me," he reassures, scooting closer and finally taking my hands.

"Because i'm scared that when this thing, whatever this is, ends, we'll stop talking - and i'll get all upset whenever i hear the song," i gulp, telling him the truth.

A soft chuckle leaves Harry's lips, as he carresses my hands with his fingers gently.

"You know that whatever the fuck happens i'll always be there for you, right?" he says, "I got your back."

Does he though?

"Okay," i smile and nod, he does as well.

"Harry, what if i told you that i liked you?"

"Liked me?" he laughs, "You're practicing aren't you?"


"Huh?" i ask in confusion – literally not knowing what he's talking about.

"For when the dads ask us how we got together, you're practicing a little play," Harry says, pretending to control puppets with his hands.

My face drops,

"Oh," i press my lips together, nodding along, "Oh yeah - that's totally what i meant."

"Cool," he replies, "How do you reckon Cho is spending her holidays?"

Cho, Cho, and Cho. It's always her.

"Uh," i begin stuttering, scratching the back of my head, "Uh, i don't know, why don't you go on and ask her? Why do you think i know everything about everybody?"

Harry's smile fades, as he realizes that i'm quite bothered by his question.

"Hey, are you okay?"  he asks, and i reply with a shrug, "Yeah, why wouldn't i be?"

"I don't know, it sounded like you didn't like me asking about Cho."

"No, no, i'm really supportive with the whole Cho thing," i shake my head, "In fact, i'm a part of it, aren't i?"

"Well yeah," he nods, "You are, but i just feel like-"

"I'm tired, off to bed, bye bye, Harry," i interrupt him, walking away to my bedroom.



A familiar, yet annoying voice shouts. Waking me from my sleep. I open my eyes slowly, finding JJ, who's jumping on my bed, grinning.

"Ugh, JJ!, you absolute child!" i yell, "What is it?"

"Fred and George borrowed this muggle car that Sirius bought and they're taking us on a drive around London!" he tells me, hopping off the bed.

"Okay, let me get ready," i say to him, leading him out of my room and shutting the door.

After a few minutes of getting dressed, i walk out of my room and down to the living area, where everyone is sitting.

Harry's eyes find me, and he smiles. He stands up and approaches me. "Morning," he greets. "Hi," i greet him back, giving him half a smile.

"Come on, come on!" George shouts, and Fred joins in, "We wouldn't want to be waiting on you slowpokes!"

We exit the house, finding a black polished car parked right at front. We all get inside, although admittedly a bit cramped.

Harry sits in the front passenger seat, with me right behind him.

"This is a nice car," says Ben, looking around.

"Does it fly though?" Ron asks.

"This is just a normal muggle car, Ronald! Of course it doesn't," Hermione pipes up.

"But it has this AC thing," Fred points out, playing with the air conditioning system.

"Oh, well, good enough," says Ron, shrugging.

"You excited?" Harry looks back, asking me. A smile creeps up on my face as i reply, "Well, i haven't been around London in some time."

"Okay, we're moving!" JJ exclaims, although, George, who is in the driver's seat, seems a bit confused. "How do i drive this thing?" he asks, pressing multiple buttons.

"Do you not know how to drive?" Ben asks worriedly – but George finally hits the brake, "Oh, i got it, i got it."

"And here we go!"

Harry reaches for my hand and holds it for the whole ride, running circles with his thumb.

I'm not going to deny the fact that i like the feeling of his hand on mine, i like the way he gently carress my hand, the way the butterflies in my stomach all start pouring out of its cage.

"Look! That's the London Eye!" JJ shouts, pointing to it. "We went there when Y/n was like 10, she couldn't stop throwing up when we reached the top."

The whole car laugh, including Harry.

"Oh wow," Harry snorts, "That's something i haven't heard."

He turns back and teases, "Little miss puke."

"Shut up."

"Well - at least she didn't throw up slugs," Ron adds, and we break into laughter once again.

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