12. capes and lab coats

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Mandy's POV:

It is has been two weeks since I've last seen Harry, and I have to admit, despite being busy with midterms, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him.

The last time we had been together, we almost kissed. He was only centimeters away from completing the exchange. He even licked his perfectly plumb lips.

Why didn't he just go and do it, then? It wasn't like I was pushing him away. If anything, I was begging him to get closer. If he had waited a few more moments, I would have put my arm on his shoulder and pulled him in myself. The way he was staring at me, his gaze dark, almost hungry, I thought in that moment that the night was going to take a different turn of events.

Clearly, I was wrong.

Maybe it was my breath? I chewed a piece of gum on the ride back, just because I have an irrational fear of having bad breath and I always have to have it under control, but maybe it was not as controlled as I had thought.

God, what I freaked him out?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

The first guy that actually has an interest in me, and I screw up a chance for a first kiss because of a little foul breath. Only I would manage to get myself into this situation...

And then a thought comes to me; what if he was just teasing me? What this was all some scheme to make me want him even more?

A delighted smirk rises to my lips.

Oh, that bastard...

I hear my phone vibrate. I unlock it and read over the unread message in the Alpha Kappa Phi GroupMe.

Mixer with the Theta Chi guys this Friday, girls! It's also Halloween, so that means we want everyone to dress up! The theme this year is dress up pertaining to whatever major you're in. There will be a costume contest to see which costume is not only the most creative, but the most sexy... (; Whoever wins gets not only their pledge duties relieved for two weeks, but you get to chose who you want to take them over! So bring your A game!


I lock my phone and place it down beside me. I feel my heart race pick up as I try to think out something I can wear. What do chemists even wear? Yes, I can wear a white coat and goggles, but that is not sexy at all. There is really nothing sexy about my major. The hottest it gets in the lab is when someone is heating a chemical.

How the hell am I supposed to do this?

After minutes of thinking and coming up with nothing, a small thought pops into my mind, and just like that, I'm picking up my phone and opening up the text message conversation with Harry. I start typing.

'Remember when you said you'd help me with the sorority? Well it's time to roll back your sleeves and get to work. I need help!!! Meet me at Party City, say 7?"

I wait patiently for a reply. Finally, he responds.

'Of course. Do you need a ride?'

The image of my brake-less bike fills my mind and I bite my lip. I obviously can't ride that, especially on a highway. But I don't want to bother him about this...

'No. It's fine.'

Harry resumes typing, and for some reason, I'm holding my breath. Why is this so embarrassing?

'I'll be there at 6:30. We can go out to eat afterwards?'

And suddenly I'm grinning like a god-damned fool. I'm really happy no one is around to see me this giddy. Especially my room-mate. She'd have a field day teasing me about Harry. She already told me that she thinks he's a tool. Then again, she has some unknown hatred for the British. I think it has something to do with her southern routes. She told me her grandfather was an active Klan member...

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