25. domestic

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Harrys POV:

I am careful to close the door as discreetly as possible when I return home from work. It's only around three in the afternoon; I hope Mandy is still sleeping. I know when I am sick, a full days rest and a few pills are all I need to be back and ready the next day. Then again if this more serious, I may need to take her to an urgent care center that may prescribe her something heavier.

The thought of her being in such danger makes me weak, and I push it away. I'm sure she's fine; just a common cold or sinus infection. It can't be anything too bad.

I set my messenger bag down on the kitchen counter and creep inside the living room. Mandy is turned over on her side, her front facing the couch, her body is still. I move over to her to get a closer look, not that I wouldn't believe she would be in any actual risk, but I just need to check that she is breathing to protect for my own sanity.

As I approach her, I see the gentle rise and fall of her tosro, and I sigh in relief.

Thank goodness. She's still alive.

Not wanting to bother her, I slowly slink out of the room and move to the bathroom. My body is aching and sweaty from having to walk around the city running errands for my boss, so a quick wash up sounds like heaven-sent right now.

After stripping down and allowing the water a few minutes to heat, I step inside, hoping that the water will clear away my worries.


A hour and a half later as I am bending down to remove the cookie sheet from the oven, and I hear a soft mumble come from the couch. I lean over to get a better look at the living area. Mandy is sitting upright, her arms extending above her head as she yawns, her eyes clenched shut. I smile softly.

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty." I greet the girl. She turns and grins with a tired expression when she sees me.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask while leaning back down to remove the pizza from the oven. Frozen pizzas have the tendency to burn way too easily, and I don't have the energy to put out a fire today, hense why I made one in the first place. It's been too long of a day for me to even think about picking up a spatula.

"Yeah, I guess. I told you I like couches. They're cozy."

"You're lucky I remembered that then. I would have told you to go in my bed, but I thought you'd be more comfortable here."

Mandy shrugs and then collapses back to the couch, pulling the blankets back up to her chin.

"Round two?" I remove the oven mitts and set them down beside the cookie sheet. Mandy makes soft dinging sounds like a bell would ring before a boxing march, and then she curls into a small ball. Moments later she is completely silent.

I smirk down at the pan. and begin to slice the pizza with a pizza wheel.

"Ding, ding, ding."


"Wake up, baby. It's time for bed." I whisper in the girls ear as my eyes scan over the clock. Its almost ten. I've given her more than enough time to rest, but now its my turn. I want her in bed with me. The bed has gotten too lonely without her now that I've grown used to her being here. Sick or not, I need her to be next to me tonight. I sleep better when she does, and God knows I need the rest tonight.

"Mhmm." Mandy moans into the pillow. I chuckle softly to myself and tuck my arms under her waist, not bothering to argue with her. The quicker I get her into bed, the quicker she will back to sleeping.

"Come on."

I gently push her head onto my shoulder to allow her to rest against me, and she grumbles.

Not being able to wipe the amused grin off my lips, I slowly walk into the bedroom and set her down on the bed. My lips press softly against her temple before I tuck her in. Just as I start to walk away, she whimpers and reaches her arms towards me. Her eyes are closed, but she's still slightly conscious by the pained expression on her face. I rush besides her.

"Baby, go back to-"

"Don't leave!" The clear desperation in her tone startles me. Immediately, dozens of scenarios run through my mind. I panic.

"What's wrong? Are you cold? Do you need something?" I run my hand over her forehead, checking her temperature. She doesn't have a fever...

"Stay." She whispers. I try to object, feeling my bladder close to bursting, but she grabs my hand. Her eyes open weakly.

"Please, stay."

Just like that, I know that what she wants won't come from a bottle or a doctor. What she wants is me, the person who will hold her tightly and rock her to sleep. The person who will keep her warm while she rests. She wants someone to protect her, someone who will watch over her. She may not need me, but she wants me here, and as long as that is still true, I'll be there. Because while she may not need me, I need her.

Much more than she'll ever know.

I climb back into the beg, ignoring the slight irritation in my lower half, and gather her in my arms. She snuggles against my chest, her nose nuzzling into my chest. I place my hand on the back of her her, allowing my fingers to run inside her ponytail.

"All better?" I ask quietly. She nods, and thats all the reassurance I need to know that she truly is.

Mandy's POV:

"Be careful." Harry sets my bag down as I slowly struggle into bed Sunday night. My illness has passed, but my body is still recovering. My muscles ache with exhaustion, and Harry helps to lift me into bed.

"Thanks." I tell the boy as he drags the covers over my body. It still bothers me that he hasn't allowed me much of an opportunity to care for myself, but I'm realizing that is just how he is. Harry just wants to make sure I am feeling as content as possible. Maybe that is part of his nature. He seems to always want to help people that he cares for- Louis, now me- and I might as well accept it and feel grateful. Most men would run at the sight of a snotty tissue; he spent the majority of this morning offering me the tissues and then proceeded to pick them up in the afternoon. I am blessed with Harry, and the sooner I realize that, the sooner I believe he will be happiest. He likes to care for me, clearly, so why reject the offer?

Harry kisses my forehead and then runs a thumb across the area. A small smile brightens his exhausted expression.

"Even when you're sick as a dog, you're stunning." Honesty burns in his gaze and I know I have to break the tension before I jump on him and spread my disease.

I swat him playfully.

"Oh, stop it! Enough of the cheesy remarks! I don't need that before bed. It gets me excited. I won't be able to sleep."

"Excited, huh?" Harry inquires with a sly smirk.

"In what way?"

My eyes roll and I turn over, snuggling closer to my teddy bear.

"That's for me to know, and you to never find out."

I hear Harry chuckle. He pats my shoulder softly.

"Alright Miss surreptitious, I'm going to take off. Try to get some rest. You have class tomorrow, if I remember correctly."

"What, did you memorize my schedule?" I turn to face him with curiosity. He only shrugs and tugs on the door handle.

"Thats for me to know, and for you to never find out."

The door slams to a close and I humph.


I turn over and force myself to close my eyes, trying to find sleep. Unfortunately, a certain boy seems to cloud my thoughts. And he does not leave the rest of the night.

the favor (a Harry Styles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now