35. best friend/ lover

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Mandy's POV:

The next night, after leaving Harry yet another voicemail, I finally lose hold of the strength I have to stay awake, and I lay down. It's been a long day, spent crying off and on while also trying to clean up my room for the new semester. I've tried endlessly to get Harry to contact me in anyway possible, but he won't pick answer. I can't help but fight the feeling that this time, he's mad at me for something more, although I wouldn't know what about. He ran off so quickly that I didn't even have the chance to say hello. I've missed him so much- much more than I would like to allow myself to believe- and I was so excited to finally see him after so long. But now I fear I'll never be able to see him again.

I decide after at least a half an hour of lying around, trapped in my thoughts, to turn on Netflix. Maybe a few episodes of Friends can help me clear my mind enough to get at least a few hours of sleep tonight. I climb down from my bed, grab my phone from its charger, and then lay back down.

Eventually, my body drifts off.

Sometime later, there is a pounding on the door. I blink a few times, completely shocked by the noise. I quickly jump off of my bed and rush to the door. Luckily my room mate is out at her boyfriends dorm again, otherwise this would have been awful. I flip on the light switch and open the door.

Before I can make out who is standing there, a large figure has me thrown up against the wall. Strong hands grasp my waist tightly, and greedy teeth bite down on my neck. I gasp, immediately fisting the mans shirt, and I can smell alcohol on the mans breath.

"You're mine, you understand that?" The man growls, and I instantly know it's Harry. Startled by his forwardness, I start to hit his back, hoping to break him out his drunken trance. Although this is out character for him, I know what to deal with this in the situation. This has happened once before already. I just need to realize that he's hurting me so he'll pull away.

"Harry, get off. You're hurting me. You need to let me go."

"You think you can cheat on me? Let him touch you? You think you can do that?"

Harry takes his hand and grasps onto my chin roughly. I wiggle around, trying to break free. I'm not angry with him, but more confused. What is he going on about?

"Harry, baby. I didn't cheat on you. I've never even thought about it. I don't want any one else. Its only y-"

"Why was he here? On the bed! Why was he touching you? His hands... Kissing... He touched you! My Mandy!"

Harry's hands grip tighter on me, and I yell out in pain. He grunts, and suddenly releases me. I hear a whimper; he's crying.

"You lied to me... Like she did. You hurt me."

And within a moment, I feel the lightbulb flutter on in my head. He must have saw me with David. After Crissy cheating on him, he believes I have done the same. I shutter at the thought. Not only is this odd because now I have the mental image of making out with my cousin plastered into my mind, but the mere thought of being with another guy is disturbing. I don't want anyone else. Not after having Harry. He's the closest thing to perfect I have ever known.

"Harry, that was David. He's my cousin. He tackles me- it's something he's done since he was a child. He's odd like that- he doesn't understand the concept of personal space-"

"Don't lie to me!" Harry yells in my face, throwing me harshly against the door. I moan in pain. This is not the Harry I know; how much did he drink?

"I'm not! Look, I'll call him-" I attempt to move but he presses me firmly against the door. For the first time I can see his eyes, which were previously covered by his thick curls. They are a bright pink. I freeze; he's been crying. My heart shatters. Was this because of me?

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