21. self-worth

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Mandy's POV:

I wake up to the familiar musky scent I fell asleep with. I sigh, quite relieved. Maybe I should move in with Harry. It's only been a few months since we've known each other, but I can say with extreme confidence that I have never slept so well in my life. Harry's chest, although it is built, is very smooth and provides great support. I've always preferred hard materials in my pillows such as memory foam or gell, so Harry's chest is nice. Not to mention, the idea of being held at night- something that has never occurred to me- is quite fulfilling. He provides me with the perfect balance of warmth and security.

I allow my eyes to drift closed again and smile at the thought.

"You're awake." Harry says and I gasp, startled that he is actually awake. I was expecting him to be asleep. I quickly pick my head up, and he's giving me one of lovely lazy smirks. I notice his t-shirt is missing. When did he take it off?

"And you just scared the shit outta me. Were you watching me sleep?"

"No," Harry says, I know right away it is a lie. I raise a brow at him. He rolls his eyes knowingly.

"Well, yes I was. But it wasn't intentional. I got up to go the bathroom, and when I climbed back in bed and put you back on top of me, I guess it woke you up."

"And why did going to the bathroom make you want to take your shirt off?" I ask him and he shrugs, causing the both of us to move with him.

"Got hot. You're very warm, did you know that? Like my very own personal heating blanket." He says and I stick my tongue out at him.

"You liked sleeping on me?" Harry asks and I nod, folding on hands beneath my chin as I rest on his chest.

"You're surprisingly comfortable. Like a very hard memory foam pillow."

"Even without my t-shirt on?" He asks and I nod once more.

"You're squishier without it." I say and pock one of the birds on his collarbone. He smiles a toothy grin.

"Well, as much as I would love to stay here all morning with you, today is Wednesday, and I have work." Harry says whist pulling my body away from his.

"I'll make breakfast for us and then you can stay here again if you want. Unless you have class?"

"I have a night class tonight. I'd be happy to stay here again. I can work on my tan. So that way when you do eventually see me naked, I'll be glowing. Like one of those sun-kissed models in Sports Illustrated." I tease whist swirling my hair around in faux seduction and start to arise from the bed. Harry's eyes widen and I feel something harden slightly against my upper thigh. I gasp. Harry knows exactly what I'm feeling and he smirks, placing a hand on my hip and yanks me towards him.

"That... That... Turned you on?" My voice drops to a whisper and Harry bites his lip, flipping me beneath him. My breath tightens in my throat and I feel my lips shaking.

"I thought you said you wanted to wait-"

Harry stops me by crashing his lips against my jawline and starts to kiss down to my neck. He bites me suggestively, and then quickly grinds against me. I feel him, hard and needy, against my lower stomach, and I squirm.

"Harry, I-"

"As much as I want to f.uck you harder than you've ever fantasized while you're using that lovely pink dildo," my cheeks turn the color of Swedish Fish and my lips part.

"I have work, sweetheart. Now, stop teasing me before I break my vow." Harry whispers and I gulp. Without warning, he rolls away, moving to the end of the bed. I am still panting as I watch him saunter into the kitchen, knowing how wide he must be grinning right now.

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