38. Yellow Light

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Mandy's POV:

The next morning, Harry and I both wake up early. He wants to go for a jog, and I need to get some reading done for my next class. After breakfast, he excuses himself with a kiss on my cheek, and he's out the door before I can change my mind and beg him to come back.

I grab my backpack from Harry's room, and sit down on the sofa in the living room. I set a timer on my phone, set it down besides the side table to charge, and begin to read.

Thirty pages of text and ten pages of notes later, I am able to slam the book closed with an exasperated sigh. I was never one to think assigned reading was that interesting, and the fact this chapter was about financing the building of the Hover Dam, I was close to tears within the first two paragraphs. I drop the text book on the coffee table, force myself to standing, and do a quick stretch before slugging over to the bathroom for a warm shower.

The water feels good against my tired pores.

What even happened last night? Last week, I was the girl who had slept with two later-to-be-gay-guys, who had no idea how to even touch a penis. Now, as I stand in this expensive shower, I can't help but believe I gave Harry a blowjob last night. I made him cum. I made him have an orgasm.

I did that. The girl that turned two men gay.

Well damn.

On top of all of that, not only did I give him a blowjob, but I gave him a blowjob in the room that his ex has probably spent many-a-nights fucking random females to sleep in. It's odd to think that the man that my boyfriend was in love with lived here, and above that, I sucked said boyfriend's hoo-ha right on that very floor. What does that make me? A slut? A whore?

A horny college student?

I twist the faucet and flip my head over, letting the water drip off my hair and into the bathtub. This whole situation is just odd, and I feel dirty after having scrubbed my body for at least thirty minutes. Is this how it is supposed to feel? I never imagined feeling so filthy, but maybe that's because I don't know what to expect. I shake my hair, allowing little droplets to hit the wall and floor of the bathtub, and step out. I wrap the towel around my torso, and walk outside of the bathroom.

After moisturizing and getting dressed, I exit the bathroom, only to find Harry sitting at the kitchen table. His fingers and plucking away at what appears to be some word document. He looks deep in thought. I check the time on the clock of the microwave. It's been almost an hour and a half since he left; I didn't realize I took that long showering.

"Hi." I let out a small whisper, and the sound of my voice causes him to escape whatever had him looking so serious, and he gives me one of those classic, boyish grins.

"Well there she is." Harry looks relieved to see me.

I can see the damp marks around Harry's underarms and specks of perspiration line his chest.

"I was beginning to worry about you. You took so long."

"When did you get back?" I ponder. He runs his hand through his shaggy locks, peering at his Apple Watch.

"Hmm, at least half an hour ago. I knew girls took a while freshening up, but I wouldn't have guessed that long."

I fake a smile. My mind is still racing, slight guilt sinking in. He senses it automatically. In seconds, his finger is tipping my chin up so he's looking down at me.

"What's wrong, baby?" His voice is soft, tender. I squirm; I don't want him thinking I didn't enjoy last night. I did. But I can't help the feeling that I did something wrong.

"I know what you're thinking, and you need to stop. I was thinking the same thing, too. But you know what? Lou is gone; he has been for years. He hasn't been himself in so long. We did nothing wrong."

I shrug, unconvinced.

"Babe, if I had believed he was coming back, I wouldn't have even cleaned out that room. But he left, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure he's gone for good. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. And if you were worrying that maybe we rushed things, or that maybe it wasn't good, there's no need to be insecure. You were amazing. But if you wanna slow things down, I understand."

I nod, biting my lip. He rests his forehead on mine, sighing. I smell a hint of mint mixed with what smells like orange gatorade.

"We'll slow down, okay? Just a bit."

I pull his hands in mine and smile, tip-toeing up to place a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles against mine.

"I can't believe how lucky I am. You're stunning."


"Shush! Nope! You're perfect. That's the final verdict. You can't persuade me against it."

I push him gently and he stumbles back slightly, eyes wide. He clearly wasn't expecting me to be that strong.

"Who knew such a tiny girl could pack that much of a punch."

"Never understatement a short girl. We may be small, but we know how to use what we've got."

"Hmph." Harry nods, observing me from a distance.

"Point taken. Anyway. I need to go to shower. Wanna meet up at the cafe next to Johnson campus after your class?" His eyes are so bright; so green. I nod quickly; I think I love this man. There's no other way to explain this churning in my stomach as I look at him.

"Excellent. Now get going! I'll see you soon!" Harry smacks my bottom, and I squeal.

"What happen to taking things slow?!" I chirp. He chuckles, shrugging.


And with that, Harry exits into the bedroom, and I grab my books, trying to focus on the fact that my bum isn't throbbing as I head out the door.

SORRY FOR THE SUPER SUPER SUPER LATE UPDATE! And I'm super sorry for the short length! I started my freshmen year of college after working two jobs all summer! You can imagine how crazy life has been for me! I PROMISE to get back into things. I did notice writing is a great escapism from the hectic nature of life!


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