15. surprise underwater attack

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Harry's POV:

I step out of my car and head towards the elevator. Work was hell today- my boss wanted me to stay late to finish up some last manuscripts, and then proceeded to lecture me on the importance of refilling the company Keurig with water after I make myself a cup of coffee, despite refilling it after everyone had used it- and the traffic coming back was awful. I just hope Mandy hasn't thought that I ditched her; it's nearly seven right now. The sun should be setting soon.

Scrambling to get to my apartment, I finally find the number and pull my car keys out from my pocket and slide them into the key port. Using my shoe, I kick open the door, and scurry inside. After setting my messenger bag down on the counter, my eyes wander the apartment. She's not in the living room, and I don't think I see her on the patio. The bedroom and bathroom doors are open, and the entire apartment is silent. Damn, did she leave? Where is that girl?

Just as I am taking out my phone to call Mandy, there is a rattling at the door. I am practically skipping to meet her. The door swooshes open, and I see a few bags dangling from her arms.

"You've had fun today, I see?" My eyes glide amusingly over the petite girl. Wearing nothing but a pair of black flips, what looks like some of bathing suit underneath a sundress, a pair of sunglasses, and a bright yellow sun hat, she looks like quite the modern LA lady.

"I know that this looks like a lot, but it's really not. I just went to Target and got myself this bathing suit and cover up. I also bought a book, and some sunscreen. Everything was on sale, believe me. It wasn't above forty bucks. That's all I bought. Oh, and a water bottle at the vending machine, but I used my own cash for that."

"That's fine, honestly. I was expecting more with all of those bags, but whatever. As long as you're happy. Wait, did you eat? Water is not enough."

Mandy bites her lip and I know she's secretly thanking her glasses for covering up her now wandering gaze. She's just trying to avoid me.

"Mandy, for god sakes, why do you do this? Why can't you just eat?" Anger builds inside of me too quickly, and I run a hand through my hair.

"I don't know. I forgot again, I swear. And besides, I made myself a big breakfast, so I wasn't hungry. Why does it bother you so much?"

"Because, I'm just... I have problems with you not eating, okay? You're already so thin... I just want you safe." Mandy tilts her head to the side in curiosity.

"Whatever. Are you ready? The sun is beginning to set. The beach looks pretty clear at this point. I think we should hurry up before it sets and we're left in the cold." I tell her, trying to hide my disapproval. Why does it bother me when she doesn't eat? If anything, it's not worrisome, just... Annoying? I just wish she'd try to a bit more, just for me.

I nod and pulls me inside, forcing Mandy to drop my bags at the door.

She follow closely behind as I direct her into the kitchen.

"We don't have time to eat here. I apologize, my boss kept me late and I just didn't have time to pick up something or make anything. So I was thinking we can just go to the beach, and go somewhere to eat afterwards. Are you staying over again?"

Mandy blinks up at me, stunned at my question.

"I mean, if you want me to, I guess I can-"

"Great, then let's get going. I don't want to miss this. I've been looking forward to it all day."

Mandy stands awkwardly next to the fridge, gawking up at me as I move around the kitchen, preparing something small for her to munch on while we're driving down. There's no way I'm taking her out to eat starving. She'll order something too big, and then won't finish it. If there is one thing my mother taught me, is that it is important to finish what is given to you on your plate. Not only is it a waste of money, but a waste of time for the people that have had to make it.

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