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"Only if you're ready" Chres said intertwining his fingers with mine.

"I am.." I said quietly, our bare bodies laying up against each other.

"I'm gonna make you wet the bed." He said smirking at me.

"What?" I said surprised.

"Yeah, Girl you heard what I said, I'm gonna make you wet the bed." He said quoting Chris brown. I couldn't help but laugh. Then he pulled me up against him, I tried to turn my body, but he had me securely in place. I could do nothing but throw my head back and let him have me. I didn't mind , I just let him take control.

He grinded his hips into me and I could feel how hard he was. Wetness flooded between my legs. I struggled more, but I really didn't want him to release me. It felt good, it wasn't just typical sex. I felt the love and passion. Being as young as we are, I'm not sure about him. But I had only had sex one other time and it was a complete mistake anyways. I felt nothing during it except for guilt.

But this time, the one I love was making love to me and I had not one piece of guilt built up in me. I didn't feel like a slut, he's my boy friend after all. This felt right.

"I love you Alyssa.." He said kissing me up and down my neck thrusting into me softly and smoothly,l "Never forget that.." He continued. I swear my eyes rolled to the back of my head. His muscular arms and body turned me on completely. His minty breath blowing into my mouth and how he used his arms to keep me in place did too. After tonight , I looked at Chres completely different. After about an hour we were both worn out and laid out on the bed soon to be in a spooning position in just our under garments.

"Shit Alyssa..."

"Wassup babe?" I replied looking up at him even though it was dark in the room.

"I don't even think I used a condom..."

"Ohhh, it's fine."

"What do you mean it's fine!?" He asked pulling away from me.

"I'm on birth control because of period cramps. We got lucky this time." I said pulling his body back close to mine.

"Whewww." He said as I felt him let out a sigh of relief. I chuckled and kissed his lips.

"Good night baby." I said turning my body back around drifting off to sleep.


I waited for Alyssa to fall asleep before I did. It looks like we slept for hours because when I woke up it was 3:00 in the afternoon and Alyssa was still sleeping up under me. She looked so beautiful. I couldn't help but stare at her. Then her eyes popped open.

"Good morning beautiful." I said kissing her forehead as her gorgeous blue eyes connected with my brown ones.

"Good morning handsome" she said smiling up at me. "What time is it?" She asked reaching for her phone.

"It's like 3."

"Got damn,you really must've worn me out last night."

"Well.. What can I say?" I asked cockily rolling me eyes.

"I'm kinda scared to go home..." I said sitting up on the bed wrapping the blanket around me.

"Why?" Chres asked confused.

"Well, I'm not sure what my parents are gonna say. They don't even know where I am."

"Oh, don't worry. I've got that covered."

"What? How?"

"I told them I got you, I figured you didn't wanna be home alone with Justin and they agreed and thought it'd be better for you to be with me. Your dad wasn't fully convinced but your mom got him covered. I don't blame him though."

Fortune (Mindless Behavior Roc Royal Romance fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now