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I woke up to a lady yelling..

"Okay. Get in line so you all can get your luggage off the buses. Please don't take anyone else's luggage or claim for it to be yours. We all know most of you very well, so that shouldn't happen.. But if it does..." The lady from the office said. I forgot her name, I don't know how. She was always bugging me.. Her name was like Ms.La.. No, Ms.Bo... Ms.Brown. Yeah, that was her name. I hope she wasn't gonna be here the whole time! I looked up because I was still leaning on Victor's shoulder. He was still asleep. It was kind of awkward so I slid my head from under him and woke him up.

"Hey beautiful." He said stretching. I didn't know what to do, I just smiled. I did still have a boy friend. And one that I love too much to be cheating. I just needed some company atm, it's not like we did anything. He'll be fine. I was actually just thinking about going to find him. Victor and I got off the bus and onto the luggage line Ms.Brown had been talking about. The line was kind of long, we were both still tired. I spotted Chres from a distance and I tried to avoid eye contact but as soon as I looked over, he looked at me and smiled. I faked a smile back.

"Oh, there's your boyfriend." Victor said pointing.

"Yup, that's my baby." I said cheesing.

"So, how did you guys meet?" He asked. He actually seemed interested. It was weird.

"A basketball game. He lives in my neighborhood."

"Hoopers are attractive." He said smirking.

"I guess that's why we fell for each other." I said "me and Chres." I said so that he wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"We should play one day." He said looking over to me as the line moved up.

"We should. Be prepared though, cause I'm not gonna let you win."

The line began moving quicker and I saw Chres walking over. He already had his luggage and Victor was handing me mine getting his after. Victor had told me he knew who Chres was, they'd talked once or twice. But they weren't really friends.

"Hey babe." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me.

"Hey. This is my friend Victor." I said pointing to him. Chres said "hey", but I sensed something.. Chres was friends with or knew just about every boy in the school.. Even the nerds! There had to be a reason they weren't friends. They were keeping it from me but, I was going to find out.

I just grabbed my luggage and began walking to my cabin. Chres grabbed my arm and asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing.." I lied, walking away. My mind was kind of still on that girl. Was Chres going to ever mention anything about her? Or will I have to? Its gotta come out someway, somehow. People say Chres has never been a jerk to his past girlfriends. So I'm hoping he doesn't start now, he has a good reputation with females so I've heard.

I went over to my cabin and a group of girls were already in there. I walked in and they were mugging me. They weren't mean mugging me though. It was kind of like a 'I'm not sure if I like you yet' mug. I laughed.

"What're you laughing at?" One of the girls asked.

"Do you like me or not?" I asked laughing. "Because I can't tell because the way you're mugging me. Ya' know I can tell, right?" I asked. The girls just stared at me then the same girl that spoke before said "I like you." As a smirk came across her face. "I like your attitude." She laughed. "My name is Lisa. You're Alyssa right?"

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