Before it gets beautiful.

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I sighed as I packed up and placed my last box full of dance and basketball trophies and medals on my floor and jumped on my bed staring at the ceiling of my empty room, I didn't wanna move, i didn't wanna leave my boyfriend Justin. Hopefully this would be the last time though, because I'm so tired of moving it just makes it harder to keep my life as normal as possible.

Having both parents working in really big industries isn't helping at all either. My mom , Denise works with Many people around the world in the fashion industry. everybody knows who she is. My dad , is the famous actor michael ealy. so everybody knows who he is also, I love that my parents are doing what they want to do and how they're successfully.. But I just wanna be normal. I can't walk around anywhere without somebody asking me about my parents. Or people using me just because of the family I come from! moving to L.A will change things . Or Atleast I hope so...

"Alyssa!!" my mom called from the bathroom across the hall. "yes!?" I replied. And got no answer, I hate when parents do that. They call you, you answer and they don't reply so you have to get up. I hopped off my bed and went into the bathroom "yes?" I said as I walked up to her.

"how does this look?" she said as she turned around to show me the make-up she had just applied to one of her models.

"idk mom, does it matter?"

"yes, this is the biggest show of the year! Everything has to be perfect!"

To be honest, I really don't care about any of this stuff, my mom knows that but she doesn't like it. She wants me to be a Girly girl, I don't really like make up. I usually just wear a little eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss. Nothing more.

"yeah it looks fine, those colors don't go together though" I said as I helped her fix it. She had the biggest smile on her face and gave me a huge hug, "thanks miss.denise ealy in training" she said with a smirk on her face. I love seeing her smile, but where's my smile?

As I was leaving the bathroom walking around my empty house, I heard my iPhone vibrating. I couldn't find it though. By the time I got to it it said "one new voice message" it was from my dad.

"hey lyss, meet me at the airport at 2:00, drive your car there and we'll get on the plane. Somebody will be waiting for it to drive it to Cali for you. Don't be late! Love ya!"

I looked at the clock and it was 1:07 I have about one hour so I figured I can stop at Justin's house.

I love my mom, but my dad understands me better, I guess you Could say I have a better relationship with him, he understands my reason for wanting to be normal while my mom on the other hand doesn't understand. I don't wanna seem ungrateful though. I ran into my room and got my tote from my bed,threw it around my shoulder and headed out the door.

I got to my car and realized I didn't have my keys.

"mom do you know where- , nevermind!" I screamed as I heard them jingling in my bag. I got in the car and blasted Chris brown's album "Fortune" on the way to Justin's house as I thought about what the future has planned for me.

As I arrived at Justin's house tears began to form in my eyes. I Knocked our special knock on the door as the first tear fell and soon enough I was standing face to face with my curly haired, medium skinned, tall. charming boyfriend of 2 years.

"don't cry babe" he said as he pulled me into a hug hovering his arm over my curly hair tucking it into his built chest, while his other hand intertwined with mine

"physically we may not be together, but emotionally we always will be."

I'm really gonna miss him but I'm just scared, scared he's gonna find someone better. Long distance relationships always work out. Him being in Atlanta and me being in L.A? It's okay though, I have people to watch him, it's not that I don't trust him. It's just a weird vibe.

Fortune (Mindless Behavior Roc Royal Romance fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now