Chapter 3

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Okay guys, so I was thinking about it and I really don't want roc , or any of the other boys in the story to be famous or really big so let's pretend everybody is used to MB, they can still have concerts and stuff but I'm mainly focused on the relationships and stuff I don't want it to be about MB.

But here's chapter 3. Spread the word and follow me on twitter @FanficLovies (: hope u like it!! Leave comments please!!!!


Alyssa's POV

I was looking for my first class, Math, then a tall ,muscular , brown skinned boy with a fade haircut came up to me.. And I caught myself standing in the middle of the crazy halls.

"I've never seen you need help? You look lost." he said as a white smile shone across his face.

"uhh yeah ," I said as I handed him my schedule "it's my first day here"

"I'll walk you to it," he said as he smiled again, his teeth were perfect I mean he was attractive but I have a boyfriend and I wonder how he's doing with this whole long distance relationship thing, because it seems like it's not going to go too well for me... I accepted his offer and we started walking down the halls.

"Sooo, what's your name?" he said as he smiled AGAIN, His smile is nice but why does he smile so much I thought to myself.. Or Atleast I thought I had said it to myself... I've got to stop doing that! Blurting out stuff as soon as it comes to my mind, especially when I'm talking to people I don't even know!

"Why do I smile so much? Because I have a lot to smile for, why walk around frowning that's unattractive and won't make anything better... So what's your name?" he said as he shot his attention over to me. I just looked at him then stood at the door for a couple of seconds with my eyes squeezed shut hoping for the best then I was about to go in I said

"Alyssa" he shot back

"Adrian" as he laughed shooting me a "good luck" like all the other people then he disappeared into the halls.

I walked in just as the bell rang and everybody just looked at me, starting up at a new school in May was not the best thing to do. My junior year was going perfectly fine then BAM! I move. I awkwardly sat down as the teacher then introduced her self "My name's Mrs.Bellin and this is calculus, I hope you enjoy my class...Alyssa it is?"

"yeah , nice to meet you." I said as I put my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. Mrs.Bellin started class and people were still staring and whispering at me. I just ignored it though, then in the middle of class some lady came in telling me to go with her to take some test to see how good I am at math so I put my back pack down and headed out the door following the lady in silence.

Math is pretty easy to me, so I had no problem . I just needed to refresh my memory a little . When I got back in the classroom the bell automatically rang and everybody scurried out of the classroom except for me, I stayed back wanting to know what I had got on my math test, Mrs.Bellin quickly graded my test and the results was a 96% she said She was impressed and I only got one wrong. I'm used to that though. She said she'd be keeping her eye on me.

I headed out the door forgetting that I don't even know where I'm going. So I took out my schedule and went around looking for my next class, which was History it took me a while but I finally got there. That class and 3rd period went by then I walked into 4th period Gym(particularly basketball) and he was there, that tall, muscular, brown skinned boy. Adrian then I looked across the room and there on the other side was Chresanto.

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