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-6:17 P.M-

They've been at the campsite since early this morning and all they've been doing since then is getting to know the place. Just chilling. They had to be at the lodge by 7:00 for dinner though. Everything basically starts tomorrow, except tonight. It's bonfire night. Or at least that's what they told us. After dinner, teachers will be on their side of the campsite, students on theirs. Since there's a lot of students, there's about 10 different bonfire areas set up for them. The students divided them the stereotypical way. (Btw I'm not trying to offend anybody with this part.) There was the Nerds/Geeks, The Punk rock kids, The preppy/girly girls, The Foreign kids, The quiet ones who only spoke to the people in that group, the skaters, the pot heads.. I'd be surprised if they didn't bring any weed with them on this trip. Who was checking?, the Cheerleading squad, the hipsters, a group of normal kids, and then there was Chres and the people he hung out with, Adrian and his group of friends including victor, Alyssa, the girls in her cabin and a mix of Jocks, And females who all were chill and got along. They would be considered the cool kids of the school. Although they didn't see it like that. They were the most known people in the school.


"C'mon Alyssa! Time to get up, and cheer up! We gotta go eat!" Lisa said bouncing on my bed. I'd been laying on my bunk for hours crying, thinking, and more crying with my covers over my head. They'd all try to talk to me time in time, but I would just say I was fine. I knew it wasn't true, but I don't want to ruin their trip with my problems.

I got tired of Lisa bouncing on my bed trying to get me up. So I finally sat up with my blanket wrapped around me. I looked at my phone across the room, the led light was flashing a couple times indicating I was getting texts. I actually didn't even mean to leave my phone there. I guess I can trust these girls.

"Damn girl!! You can not leave here looking like this, uh-uh" Lisa said putting her hair up in a high bun with a bandana following.

"Why? what's wrong?" I asked confused.

"First off, your eyes are blood shot read. You look like you been smoking something. Anybody got some eye drops?" She asked putting her hand out. Soon the same girl who's bunk I accidentally stole filled Lisa's hand with a bottle of eye drops. "Thanks Asia" Lisa said open ending the bottle and holding my eye lid. I liked the name Asia I thought. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the burning sensation of this crap dropping into my eye. She quickly did the other one and it looked like I was crying again. I started laughing. "Second, you need to go wipe all this makeup off your face and invest in some waterproof products she said handing me a little bag that said Victoria's Secret on it.

"What's this?" I asked

"My bag of water proof makeup. You need it girl. Most of the stuff hasn't been opened yet though. I just filled it up." She said . "And lastly, Chres cannot see you like this. It'll make you look weak. Which you are not. If he knows you've been crying, he'll either feel bad or feel accomplished and not care. We can't take any chances. Now I know you won't be able to cover it all up, but go in that bathroom and takeaway try." She said patting my back. I got up, but before I went in the bathroom I grabbed my phone. I had a few tweets and text messages. Two stood out. One from my mom asking how was Jenn & I and was I having fun. First I was just gonna say good and yes. But then I thought about it. I tell my mom everything , I'm not gonna lie to her. I replied saying "I'm not sure how Jennifer is, I haven't been with her but I'm sure she's fine. & nope, problems with Chresanto. 😞 But don't worry we'll get it sorted out I hope. & Please don't tell dad!! I love you. Ttyl 😘" I didn't want her to tell my dad because I knew he'd sice it and get heated before he even find out what's happening.

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