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It was now 10:57 in the morning, Saturday...The day Justin is supposed to leave. I didn't realize it, but I had spent my whole night in the hospital. I found myself home alone on the couch eating chips in the family room watching re-runs of spongebob laughing my ass off. I guess my parents were still at the hospital.

Sooner or later I must've dozed off because I woke up to a bang on the door and a loud truck. I jumped up so quick in shock. I then walked up to the door and in front of it was a huge package. I looked around and no one was there. I didn't know what to do, it was too big for me to carry inside. Then I remembered security. My parents weren't so strict about security, it was security and the people my parents work with that were so serious. I always tried to get security guards to loosen up but they would never listen. So I just gave up. I turned my head to see one of the security guards looking ahead. "Excuse me?" I asked. There was no response. He just kept looking ahead. "So you're just gonna ignore me?" Again, there was no response. "C'mon, loosen up! I can't carry this by myself." Once again, no response. "Okay! That's enough, I guess I'll just have to tell my parents you're the reason I got 'hurt'!" I said evilly. He turned his head and his eyes widened. I wasn't really gonna hurt myself, I just wanted to make things more funny. Instantly, he picked up the box and brought it into the house. "Thanks!" I said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He replied.

The big box was now in the middle of the living room, I had no idea who it was from or what was in it. I didn't have to sign for it or anything. I got a pair of scissors and carefully ran them down the tape, separating it.

I lifted up the flaps and a bunch of stuff was in the box. First, I sighted light blue, orange and black bedazzled Dr dre. Beats. I picked them up, there was a note engraved on the side in white that read "Chres & Lyss forever." Oh, so that's who sent the package. He could've warned me! I thought to myself. Before even looking at the rest of the stuff I grabbed my phone and took a picture with my new beats on for Instagram and Captioned it "I love my baby." With the kissy emoji. I put my phone down and decided I wanted to walk over to Chres' house.

I ran up the stairs into my room. Going to my closet and pulling out a Red and white lifeguard hoodie, black leggings and white converse. Just something simple, I quickly showered , brushed my teeth and got dressed, threw my new beats around my neck, Sprayed perfume all over myself and headed back down the stairs Forgetting that I had left the box downstairs and my parents would be back with Justin any minute now, I didn't want to break it to him this way. We just broke up, well actually we're taking a "break" and I haven't even told him that it's over. I basically glided down the stairs into the living room pulling the box as much as I could. I didn't want to mess with security right now so that they didn't risk getting in trouble. I would feel terrible. I was halfway up the stairs when I heard the key in the door.

"Shit!" I said sucking my teeth. Continuing to pull the box up the stairs. The doors then slowly opened. My parents were both looking at Justin helping him in. He was supposed to be resting I'm assuming. But I quietly made my way to the top of the stairs and pushed the box to the end of the hallway. Phew! That was a close one. I thought to myself. Then I heard a voice from downstairs.

"Alyssa!! Get down here." My eyes widened. I slowly went down the stairs.

"Yes...?" I asked hesitantly.

"You left chips on the couch, you need to come vacuum up these crumbs. But where are you going?" My mom asked raising an eyebrow.

"Okay." I responded. "And oh, I was gonna go over to Chres' house if that's fine. We're probably gonna go and grab something to eat, idk yet."

Fortune (Mindless Behavior Roc Royal Romance fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now