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I grabbed my white towel as I stepped out of the shower. It was about 4:00 am. We're supposed to be leaving the school at 5:30 I was exhausted, but I went to make sure my parents were up because we couldn't drive to school, they didn't want us to leave our cars in the parking lot for security reasons. I'm not sure what I would do if my baby got stolen or keyed or some crazy shit like that.

"Jenn! Jenn wake up!" I said shaking her arm a little. she put a pillow over her head trying to ignore me, the human alarm clock. I was always an early riser... Naturally! I'm guessing she isn't. She finally got up and I told her where everything was so she could take her shower. Even though we haven't known each other for very long, I feel like we're best friends. She is a little shy, but I expect it, I can't wait until she comes out of her shell.

I decided to just dress comfortable. I assumed we'd have to do a little hiking or something. I put on a really casual outfit, Jenn and I were actually kind of matching. Both had on Nike climbing shoes, under armor hoodies and Nike sweatpants. Just different colors. We also both tied bandana's over our heads. My dark brown straightened hair flowed out of mine and so did her brown highlighted hair. besides skin color and hair color. We looked the same.

"Hey Jenn. Come here." I said looking out of the bathroom as I put mascara on. "Do you wear makeup?" I asked her closing the mascara and putting it in the drawer with the rest of them.

"No, I don't." She responded.

"You wanna try?" I asked pointing to the drawers with my makeup in it. I had a drawer for pretty much every type of makeup even though I only used most of it for special events.

"Sure..." She said hesitantly sitting down on a chair nearby. I took out normal eyeliner,liquid eyeliner and mascara. She closed her eyes, but I told her I wanted to start with the normal eyeliner so that nothing would smear. About 5 minutes later I was finished. She looked gorgeous, without makeup she's already really pretty. But with it? Beyond.

"Alyssa!" I heard my mother scream from down the hall. I didn't respond, I just walked out to go find her. "Are you girls ready? I wanted to leave early so we could get you guys something to eat"

"Yeah, we'll be right down." I said heading back to my room. "C'mon Jennifer, my parents are ready to leave."

"I'm really hungry." She said holding her stomach. "And can I call my siblings?" She asked picking up her suitcase and sleeping bag package.

"Yeah. Here." I said handing her my phone. I think she had a phone, I wasn't sure. I thought about it and went to mention it to my dad as she talked on my phone. "Hey dad."

"Good morning Alyssa. What's up?" He asked adjusting his tie in the mirror.

"Nothing.. I was just wondering, can we add Jennifer to my plan? My cellphone plan. I'm kind of getting tired of letting her use mine." I said quietly.

"I'll think about it." Said my dad grabbing his keys, kissing my forehead and heading downstairs. I knew it wouldn't be an automatic yes, he doesn't know her that well so I understand. They just have to get used to her because I know she'll be around for a while. After about five minutes Jennifer came out into the hallway with both of our stuff and my phone barely in her hand. I ran and grabbed my phone as it was about to fall.

"That was close!" Jenn said releasing a breath of fresh air.

"Yeah, it was." I said in a serious tone, which she paid no mind to. I looked at my phone and there was a text from Justin on the lock screen. I opened it. It said 'Hey Lyss, I heard you're going camping today. I hope you enjoy it, I know you've always wanted to go camping. I was just hoping we would go together, but ya know.. Shit happens. Love ya.' He got that right, shit sure does happen, I couldn't let him get to me though. I knew exactly what he was trying to do. He was trying to make me feel bad. But nope, if I fell for it? I know I would be sad all day. I'm not gonna let him ruin my trip. I just smirked then locked my phone.

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