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CHAPTER 14 - & Before I start this chapter, I just wanna say I know I haven't updated in forever. I'm so sorry, I've just been really busy. But here it is! And I want to say a special thanks to Autumn Barnes for giving me an idea for this chapter. (;



I sat there with my arms wrapped around Alyssa as she sat on my lap at the bonfire. It wasn't cold, just a little breeze here and then. That nice California evening weather. There wasn't many official couples there, there was me and Alyssa, and 3 other couple. Everyone else was just friends with benefits. Or people who had a thing for Alyssa. Which scared me, if I messed up, I knew she'd end up with one of them.

Everybody finally sat around the campfire, it was Me and Alyssa, Ray, Prince, Prod, Lisa, Asia, Adrian, and like 10 others. Everyone was cuddled up even if they weren't a couple. It was cute and calm. We got our stuff for s'mores and went to look for sticks. They told us to burn the tips of a stick to roast our marshmallows on. I hesitated at first but Alyssa was all for it. She pulled me with her to go look for sticks. I was gonna say something but I had to remember this was her first time going camping. Whatever she wanted goes... For now at least. We found two sticks for us and headed back to the fire. We burned the ends until they were black, I needed to make sure it was as clean as possible. That's dirty. I laughed to myself.

I went and got chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers for Alyssa and I. I let her roast her marshmallow first and I helped her put it together, I don't think she's ever had real s'mores. But she loved it. I could tell, She was cheesing which made me happy. Little did Alyssa, or anybody else except for the boys know that I had something planned for Alyssa. I told Alyssa that I'd be right back and I met up with Ray, Prod and Prince. I had planned to sing one of our new songs to her around the campfire in front of everyone, I know she'd love that. Of course I love Alyssa, but every time I've told her. It's just been the close type of love not like the relationship type of love. I feel like I'm really falling for her now. And she doesn't know I can sing, but I've been practicing with the boys and prod thinks I'm good enough to sing the lead. I hope he's right and that this goes how it's supposed to. The amphitheater of the campsite is right next to our campfire, Dave is in on it too. He got together some choreography for me. The boys are gonna act like my back up dancers, they say I owe them. Lmao and we have to set up in the dark and be extra quiet though. It's gonna be kind of a flash mob. The boys and I hurried up and changed our outfits theirs were matching, mine was a little different.

"The roses? Where are the roses?" I asked beginning to panic. I think I was just nervous. Somebody soon ran up to me with the roses and I stood center stage with my head down and the roses in my hand then shook my head signaling I was ready.

My heart started beating faster and faster i was nervous because this is really basically prod's song but as a spot light shined over me and I walked the roses over to Alyssa and back to sit her in the chair I had set up on the stage. She had the most confused look on her face which made me laugh the music started " i i i i i i" as I ran back into my spot to start the dance. "Aye baby Where you come from?

Aye baby You snuck up behind me.

Aye baby We've only just begun.

Aye baby But I'm all and you got me.

Aye baby People got it all wrong.

Aye baby When they say love is hopeless.

Aye baby Love is what you want.

Aye baby No distractions, man I'm focused."

"Hands were meant, meant to be held and Lips were meant, meant for sweet kisses. Hearts were meant, meant to feel love And you give me more, than enough!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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