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I covered my ears with my pillow as my alarm rang at 5:30 in the morning. I was dreading going to school today, even though I had only went for a one day.

I usually had no problem with getting out of bed, I was just so tired. I guess I dozed off because I woke up again at 5:45 and hopped out of bed thinking it was later than that. School started at 7;20, I just always wake up way earlier because it usually takes me so long to get ready. I put my iPhone on the charger and headed into my bathroom without checking it.

I started brushing my teeth and then I realized red marks on my face. Must've been from the way I was sleeping, because it looked like a pattern. Maybe I was laying on something. It just looked weird. So I grabbed my cloth and began washing my face. My cheek started burning where the mark was, And it became really sensitive. I started to panic. The only thing I could do was cover it up with makeup.

I quickly hopped into the shower leaving the door open so the mirrors wouldn't fog up. Once I got out I put on my undergarments and lotion then wrapped a towel around my hair. Then another one around my body without looking into the mirror. I walked over to my closet and decided I was gonna bum it today, I was on my period and didn't feel the need to dress up so I threw on some gray sweatpants, and a white polo T-shirt, and Adidas slippers. Why not dress comfortable? No one to impress.. Well except for Chres, but he won't care.

After that I grabbed a brush and some gel to brush my hair up into the neatest pony tail I could. If I was gonna look a mess, my hair didn't have to.

I then grabbed my iPod, and my iPhone then headed out my door. It felt like I was forgetting something.. Halfway down the steps I realized I didn't have my bag. I'm not sure what I was doing to make me forget it, but school would've been pointless today if I didn't have my stuff.

I left the house without eating breakfast because Chres said he had it covered if I came to his house early. So I did.

I arrived at Chres' house and he was there waiting. A huge smile shone across his face at the sight of me and vice versa. It smelled so good, I just went in and inhaled the smell of all the breakfast foods. Pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage etc. I cannot believe he really woke up early to make me breakfast when we could've just stopped somewhere. Blessed is definitely the word.

We both got our food and sat down at the table to eat, I couldn't stop smiling which made him laugh. "Good morning smiley!" He said chuckling.

"Damn, coming for the boy whose special was water and Cereal? I was not expecting this. Thanks baby." I said kissing him across the table.

"Anything for you." He replied "didn't know I was capable of this, did you?" He said grinning.

"Not at all!" I said laughing.

"I guess we'll learn new stuff about each other everyday, right?" He said shrugging his shoulders.

"I guess." I replied.

"Why're you dressed like this?" He asked

"Like what?" Was my response. I didn't see what the problem was with my outfit. But I had to see where he was coming from.

"Well basically like you don't care.. Never mind. You look gorgeous anyway you're dressed, I shouldn't have said anything." He said trying to change the topic.

"No Chres' , I get where you're coming from. I just wanted to dress comfortable. Being on my period and stuff , I didn't feel like dressing up. Next week I'll dress up just for you!"

"Ohhhhh, you're on your period? I really shouldn't have said anything."

He's so stereotype I said laughing thinking to myself. It was fine though, if anybody else asked that question I would've blown up on them, but Chres is my baby.

Fortune (Mindless Behavior Roc Royal Romance fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now