Chapter 4

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I wanted to say that not everything in the story is gonna be true. Or based on real life. I'm going to make some stuff up to make it more interesting. Be ready (;


__________________________________I was sitting in 7th period as the last bell rang at 2:10 that means I had 15 minutes to get to my car to meet Chresanto.. Even though we'd both probably be late. As I was walking to my locker from 7th period looking down at my iPhone I saw a tall figure jump infront of me out the corner of my eye. I bumped into it then looked up and it was adrian. With of course, a huge smile on his face. "Whoa" I said looking up at him. He put his arms out for a hug and I accepted. In the middle of our hug. My phone started vibrating and I signaled Adrian telling him to hold on. I looked at my phone and it said "Hubby

(J=Justin , A=Alyssa"

J:"Hey, how was your first day of school babe?"

A:"it was cool, dad had to come though."

J:"that's good, & dang already? What for?"

A:"he had to bring me my basketball Bag."

J:"Don't tell me you killin'em on the court already?!" he said laughing thru the phone

A:"I had to. They asked for it."

J:"What'd they say you couldn't play?"

A:"yep,86 to 54" I said making sure Adrian could hear the emphasis on the numbers.

I then opened my locker set my phone down and put it on speaker warning him before i did so I could get my stuff out.

J:"damnn, that's my girl."

?:"not for long"

I heard a voice say in the background and just ignored it assuming they weren't talking to me.

A:"you know how I do."

J:"yeah well this is not the only reason I called.."

A:"what? Why?" I asked in confusion. "Wassup?"


A:"idk babe just tell me!"

J:"Fine.. I'm coming on Friday. The countdown starts... Now!" he said as some dude walked up to me with a bouquet of roses. And a card that read "48 hours, 12 minutes and 25 seconds (; , love you." I went to speak into the phone but the line went dead and a text showed up from justin saying "That's not all(;" I just shrugged it off, it's not like if I ask Justin he'll tell me so I'd just have to wait!

Next as I turned around to proceed my conversation with Adrian , before I could even get a word out some guy in a uniform came up to me with a bunch of balloons, chocolates and a gift bag. By then my hands were full and my phone vibrated signaling it was 2:23

"oh shit, I have to go meet Chres. I'm SO sorry Adrian . We can talk later. Here!" I said sliding him my number and running thru the halls to the parking lot. To see Chres standing up against my car. He just looked at me and laughed. He could probably tell my struggle right now, I probably looked crazy with a bunch of balloons, flowers and chocolates in my hands running.

"need help?" he asked putting his hand out for what I'm assuming would be my keys. I nodded my head down to my purse to tell him my Keys were in it he was scuffling thru them I'm not sure what took him so long but he was in it for a long time. I'm almost sure the keys were sitting right at the top.

He opened the back door as started handing him stuff to put back there. We had to put the balloons in the trunk because it was blocking my view.

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