Little Acts of Love

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Obi-Wan and Anakin stood under one of the hangars in the Senate building.

"Do you really think it's broken?" Obi-Wan asked Anakin, standing in front of Anakin's yellow and grey starfighter. "A Republic starfighter can't possibly be just... broken, Anakin."

"Yes, Master. Or, at least there's something wrong with it. I have to get the newest, latest, updated driver, now!" he exclaimed. He walked a few feet away, with his hands on top of his head, stressed. "I have to get to Scipio," he muttered under his breath.

"Anakin, it would probably help if you would not be so distressed over a 'broken' starfighter. All you need is one part to make it start working again. At least, that was your observation."

Anakin groaned. "Yeah, but I don't have the part, and I have to have it now," he emphasized.

"For goodness sake, just go get the part!"

"Wait... I might have it at my--I mean, in my room at the Temple. I'll go get it," he said, walking towards his starfighter, but turning around a second later. "What do I use to go get it?"

"Take my ship," Obi-Wan sighed. "But hurry up, don't take too long."


On Anakin's way back, his comlink lit up. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah?"

"We are contacting you, Master Jedi, you've been the man requested to bail Senator Padmé Nabérrie Amidala out of prison," a nasally voice said.

That's Senator Padmé Nabérrie Skywalker, to you, Anakin thought. Ever since they had gotten married and established she would have to use her maiden name for secrecy, it had bothered him the slightest bit. Sometimes, he wished they could just move away, isolated from the rest of the galaxy. They wouldn't have to worry about any of that poodoo.

The nasally voice continued. "The main Scipio jail is where you are needing to pick her up. Quite frankly, we're sick of her," Anakin heard the voice say. "Come as soon as you possibly can, please." And without a goodbye, they clicked off.

Anakin rolled his eyes again. What did she do this time? he thought. He landed Obi-Wan's ship in the hangar and stepped out. It was a relief that he was called to Scipio anyway, considering he was already called there.

"So, Master, I found out that the driver wasn't even the part that I needed. I sort of...well, I lied. The only thing that wasn't working was the mini holoprojector, and the disc was at home. In my closet. So..." Anakin clicked the disc into place. "Sorry."

Obi-Wan sighed. "One day, Anakin, one day...."

"I have to go pick up the Senator now," Anakin said. He climbed in his starfighter.

"What Senator? Oh, Senator Amidala, I'm guessing? Anakin, you act like she's the only Senator in the galaxy. Be specific next time so I know who you're talking about!"

By the time Obi-Wan had finished talking, though, Anakin had already sealed the hatch of his ship. He gave Obi-Wan a small salute from inside the starfighter and sped off.

Obi-Wan shook his head. "Oh, Anakin," he said to himself.

But Anakin came back a minute later. He got out of his starfighter. "Um, I need to take one of my bigger fighters so I can pick up Padme." He hopped in a different ship.

"Goodbye for real this time," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin sped off slower this time, to make sure the ship was good. Then he sped off. He thought to himself what it would be like for him and Padmé to be crunched in his starfighter. He smiled to himself.

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