Classic Sarcasm by Yours Truly

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Anakin threw back the sheets on his bed in frustration. Padmé was going through morning sickness again and he had to start packing for Florrum now. It was 4:30 in the morning.

Anakin pulled a few pairs of the same Jedi robes out of his closet, as well as another pair of boots. He walked to the bathroom and got his toothbrush and paste. He looked up, noticing the mirror. With his toothbrush and paste still in his one hand, he checked himself in the mirror, standing up tall. He saw his eyes, surprised they didn't look tired at all. He turned, walking out of the bathroom. He packed his robes and boots in his suitcase, tucking his toiletries in a small compartment, zipping it up. Thankfully, Anakin and Padmé had separate shampoo and conditioner bottles, as well as body wash. He ran back to the bathroom to fetch his. He also tucked those away in a bigger zip-up compartment in the suitcase. He originally had the suitcase on the floor, but he hated to have to bend down every time, so he carefully placed on his side of the bed, it having weighed about 150 pounds already. Because his boots were made of heavy, thick leather and so were his robes, the suitcase was very weighed down. He would pick his other Jedi-related things up from his room at the Temple. Of course, he hadn't thought to eat yet. Anakin had gotten used to not eating all three meals a day, so when he did eat, it was large amounts at a time.

As quiet as Anakin had been trying to be, Padmé stirred in her sleep, and soon after, she woke up. It was now 5:00. Lights shone through the blinds every once in a while from outside's traffic whenever a ship passed by.

"Padmé," Anakin said quietly as she sat up in the bed, turning a small light on. "Go back to sleep, it's early. I'll tell you when I leave."

"Good morning to you, too, babe," Padmé said. "I don't want to go back to sleep. I want to spend the last hour or so with you before you leave."

Anakin raised his eyebrows. "If you insist..."

"Anakin, don't act like I never wake up early," Padmé said, smiling.

"Yeah, well..." But before he could say anything, Padmé was already at his side, checking what he had packed so far. Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Padmé, I have everything. I told you, this time, trust me. I can do this!"

"You're going to be gone for a week, and far away. It's not like you can just come back and get what you need if you didn't pack it in the first place."

"Oh, so you don't trust me?" Anakin said.

"Not this again..," Padmé said, looking at him. "And don't give me your lightsaber again. We both know what happened last time, and you definitely need your lightsaber for a trip."

"I wasn't going to! Look, I've got every-"

"You forgot your razor! I knew you would forget something."

"Padmé I don't-"

"Oh! And underwear! How could you forget those?" she said, walking to his closet.

Anakin sighed, placing one finger on each temple, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Anakin, you didn't even get your undershirts-"

"I know. I was getting to that." He stood up. "Just let me do it," he said calmly.

Padmé looked at him, her eyebrows raised.

"Hey," he said, holding up his lightsaber. "Now it's your turn to trust me."

Padmé hesitated. "Fine. But when you're sure you're done packing, we're going through a checklist of things you should have packed."

"Deal," Anakin said. He started packing more into his bag.

"And it better be neat," Padmé said.

Anakin put his hand on the back of his neck, laughing nervously.

"You can do it. I trust you."

"Don't watch me," Anakin said.

"I won't."

"No, I mean, can you go to a different room?"

"What? Why?"

"You're going to watch me pack if you sit in here. I don't want you to. It think you're going to be surprised at what I can pack by myself. I'm taking classes on 'how to pack for trips and do things exactly how your wife wants you to.'"

Padmé stared at him. "That's not funny."

Anakin laughed.

"Get to work, buddy."

He looked at her. "Since when have you called me 'buddy'?" he asked, still laughing.

She glared at him, and he put his hands up in defense.

"I'm working!" he said, packing.

"By the time I come back, you better have everything packed neatly. Im going to the kitchen to make that checklist."

"Okay. I love you, sweetie," Anakin joked.

"You crack yourself up," Padmé called back to him as she walked out of the room.

Anakin laughed to himself and continued his designated job assigned by Padmé. To be honest, Padmé could be pretty tough sometimes.

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