A Mix-Up and a Search

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Anakin and Padmé lie in their bed in the late morning. They were procrastinating work and daily duties by lying there talking.

"Forget the whole Clovis thing. He's gone now. I'm just happy you're still here with me," Anakin said to Padmé. He attempted to kiss her, but his comlink beeped. Anakin dropped his head back and groaned.

"And how many times has it been now?" Padmé asked.

"It's the ninth time now." Anakin got up slowly and picked up his comlink from the other side of the room. "Yeah?" Anakin sighed, irritated.

"Young Skywalker?" a voice said. "You, that is?"

Anakin's voice turned from lazy and irritated to respectful and firm right away. "Yes, Master Yoda. It's Anakin Skywalker. What do you need, Master?"

"You, I want, to come to the Jedi Temple. Very late, you are. Come quickly, you must."

"Yes, Master. I'm coming now."Anakin clicked his comlink off and looked at Padmé.

Padmé laughed at his immediate tone of voice change. "What, did you think it was Obi-Wan? You should talk to him the same way, he's your Master, too."

Anakin looked down. "Yeah, well... he's Obi-Wan." He leaned down and kissed Padmé, lightly on the cheek. "I don't know what this is about, but I have to leave now. I'll probably see you later."

"Yes, me too. I have to go now, or I'll be late like you," Padmé said.

Anakin walked out of the bedroom.

"Ani!" Padmé called after him. She walked to the doorway and Anakin stopped and turned around. "Nothing to eat before you go?"

Anakin shook his head. "I'm fine." He walked out of the door and locked it.

Padmé saw him comlink when she walked back into the bedroom. "Uh oh," she whispered. She ran out and opened the front door. "Anakin!" she called. He was out at his starfighter, getting in. He groaned and turned around again.

"Yeah?" he called back, his arm held over his eyes to shield them from the sunlight.

She waved his comlink at him.

He ran to her. "Thanks," he said, kissing her lips quickly and taking the comlink. "See you later." He ran away and hopped in his starfighter. Once he closed the hatch, he gave her a nod and went on his way.

Padmé walked back in the house to get herself ready.


Back at the Temple, Obi-Wan stood at the holotable, talking to Mace.

"Where is Skywalker?" Mace asked impatiently. "And why is he always late?"

"I don't know," Obi-Wan replied. "But back to business matters, Cad Bane is definitely up to something quite mischievous, as always. It's obvious that he bears something precious and valuable to the Republic, he desires is to come after him. He's ought to have some trick up his sleeve."

"Yes. I sense he has something... someone ...that belongs to us. A Force-bearing... Youngling! A Youngling! That's what he has! We should move at once."

"I'll gather my troops. And the location is....?" Obi-Wan asked.


"Bounty Hunters seem to like it there," Obi-Wan commented. He clicked a button on the comlink on his left arm. "Cody, gather the troops right away. We're taking a little trip to Serenno. The bounty hunter named Cad Bane is holding a Jedi Youngling there."

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