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"Hey, I have to go, babe," Anakin told Padmé as he rushed around to get out the door. He went over to the twins and kissed their heads.

"Okay, gotta go, bye," he said, walking out to the balcony.

"Wait a second, young man. What about me? They get kisses and goodbyes and I don't?"

He walked back in and kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Ani. I'll see you later."

He smiled at her and jumped into his starfighter. He was sure he was going to be late.


"Hey, Leia." Padmé sat with Luke and Leia on the living room floor. They were playing with their toys, which consisted of simple things, since they were young. Leia handed Padmé a slobbery ball that she had teethed on.

Padmé laughed. "No, it's okay, you can keep it."

She looked at her two children, and she couldn't believe they were almost going to be two years old. They were growing up so fast. They were cute little babies, put she was sure they would be good looking like their parents when they were older. Padmé and Anakin adored their children. The twins had already started to stand up, and they were learning how to walk. It was only a matter of time until they started talking, running, and probably becoming Padawans.

Padmé's comlink that was sitting on the coffee table lit up. She grabbed it off of the table and pressed it, answering. It was Anakin.

"Hey, so, do you think you can stand alongside Hazel during this interrogation at the Senate building? Everyone requested you to do it, and there's been this whole mix-up about how they think she's someone else in disguise and all that. I'll tell you more about it later."

"Anakin, I can't-"

"Just for like, 30 or 45 minutes?"

"But the kids-"

"Have 3PO watch them. He's at the house."

"What? Are you insane? I am not-"

"Fine. Then"

"Exactly. There's no one else who can do it."


"She's at the Temple."

"No she's not. She's at home."

"She is?"

"Yeah, she needed to get a little bit of extra sleep today. Get her up after you get ready to come. And hurry, their started in 15 minutes."

"Okay, tell Riyo and whoever else that I'll be there in 10."

"Okay. Hazel's coming my way. I lov- I mean," Anakin cleared his throat. "I'll report to Riyo that you'll be here in 15-"


"-10 minutes. Goodbye, milady."

"Goodbye, General Skywalker."

Anakin cleared his throat again after he clicked off. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Hazel."


He looked away for a minute, and when he looked back, Hazel was gone. He used the Force to sense where she was. She had run away. Determined, he sprinted off through the building, knowing that she would take a back way. He ran like lightning, taking the back way. He saw a blond braid whip around the corner, and he ran even faster, close to the fastest he'd ever run. Once he caught up to her, he grabbed her arm, clenching it in his hand. She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but after a minute, she knew she couldn't escape his grip. She had seen him fight. He was tenacious; unyielding.

"What do you want?" Hazel snarled.

"What do I want? I want to know why you ran away! Obviously, you're not Saesee Tiin's old Padawan learner!"

"Let me go!"

"Why should I?"

"Just let me go!" She shook her arm, attempting to shake his arm again.
"Listen, you Jedi Knight, the Jedi Order is evil! Run away now! They say that they're peacekeepers, but they're not what they say! They're soldiers, killers, violent people! They're manipulative and containing-"

Anakin smirked sarcastically. "You sound like my old friend, Letta Turmond. Enough with the traits, you traitor! No matter what you say, you will turned in for your acts."

"You are-"

"Shut up!"

Hazel, looking awestruck, obeyed.

"If you think that the Jedi are ruthless, not worthwhile, killers- you're messing with the wrong people! Now, are you really Jedi Knight Hazel Dessen, or not?"


"Tell me, now!" he yelled.

"Yes. I am. I betrayed you because of what I know of you! I wanted to get out of your hallowed, sacred Temple! It's a trap, a jail! I want to be free!" Hazel cried.

Anakin stared at her, a hint of malevolence in his eyes. "You're coming with me."

He seized her arm and pulled her towards the main Senate meeting atrium.

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