The Average Couple

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Anakin and Ahsoka walked in the house, Anakin sprawling out over the couch, and Ahsoka standing uncomfortably with her arms crossed.

"Sit down, Ahsoka, make yourself at home," Padmé insisted.

"Alright," Ahsoka said as she attempted to sit on the couch. She almost sat on Anakin's leg, but she saw it in time and sat on the very edge of the couch where Anakin wasn't.

"Move, Anakin," Padmé said, pushing his leg up on the back of the couch.
"You can sit back now, Ahsoka."

Ahsoka moved back farther on the couch, trying to get comfortable.
"So, um... I wanted to know, letting my curiosity show a little ...what is it like being married secretly?"

Padmé laughed a little. "Well, it was very difficult at first, I must admit. It still is. And with Anakin being a Jedi and me being a Senator, neither of us is home very often. But lately we have been." She looked at Anakin. "We have something to tell Ahsoka, don't we Ani?"

"What?" He sat up.

Padmé gave him a look.

"What? Oh. Yeah."

"Well, tell her."

"What? I'm not the one who's having the baby! You should-"

"So there you go. Anakin just spoiled it," Padmé said.

Ahsoka looked at them both. "Are you serious?"

Padmé nodded. "Yes. I'm pregnant. You're the first and only one we will tell."

Ahsoka smiled. "That's so exciting! I can't wait!"

Padmé nodded again, smiling. "Except we still have 8 months to go."

Anakin directed his question towards Ahsoka. "I meant to ask you, how did you get a Separatist camera?"

"Oh. That? I used the skills that you taught me. One was flying through an alleyway I was in, and before it could see me, I ducked and jumped out and grabbed it when it passed. Then I reprogrammed it through my control."

"Impressive," Anakin said.

Ahsoka smiled. "Yeah, well...I did save Barriss and myself from the rubble of Poggle's droid factory on Geonosis....with the things you taught me."

Anakin smiled. "Yeah, you did, but all because of me."

Ahsoka opened her mouth to say something back to him, but R2 rolled into the room, whistling in delight of seeing Ahsoka.

"Hey, R2, I missed you so much!"
Ahsoka leaned down and pat his head.

Anakin looked down at R2. "Ahsoka's here to stay, buddy."

He was even more excited about that, wobbling and whistling.

Ahsoka looked up at Anakin and Padmé where they were sitting on the couch. "So have you guys thought of any names yet for the baby?"

Anakin and Padmé glanced at each other. "Yes, we have actually. We've only decided on two, though, one for a boy and one for a girl," Padmé said.

"That's so great. I can't wait!" Ahsoka said. She stood up. "So how much longer do you think you're going to be able to keep this whole thing a secret?"

Anakin dropped his head back down on the arm of the couch and Padmé shifted positions in her seat.

"I don't really know," Padmé said.

Ahsoka nodded. "Well, how many years has it been now? Like three or four or something?"

"Somewhere around there," Anakin joked.

Padmé rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "About three years now. We got married when he was 19 and I was like...24? Yeah. Now he's 23 and I'm 28, so it's been 3 years, almost four."

"Wow. I don't think I could keep a secret that big for that long," Ahsoka said. "And that's a lot of numbers."

Padmé and Ahsoka both laughed.

Anakin sighed loudly. "Okay, you two can have your girl time, I'm going to go to the Temple and... work out? Yeah."

Ahsoka smirked. "Master..."

"Well, why not work out? It's good for you." Anakin stretched.

"I agree. You don't work out very often, Anakin," Padmé said.

"Actually, I do! You never see me do it because when I do it I'm always gone! Right, Snips?"

"Yeah, actually you do it whenever you have free time. Usually in between missions and stuff."

Anakin looked at Padmé. "See? I do."

"Good." Padmé stood up and kissed him. "Go work those muscles for me."

Anakin raised his eyebrow and just kissed her back. He stood up tall and crossed his arms. "Man, I feel bad about leaving now," he said.

Ahsoka stood up and it was her turn to sigh loudly this time. She got in between them. "Okay, Master, go ahead and work out!" She pushed him towards the door. "Bye! Have fun! Bye!" She waved him out and closed the door behind him. She leaned against it. "Heh, heh..."

Padmé laughed. "Sorry... you should get used to it, though." Padmé laughed again.

"Great to know... It's just--I don't know. It's just really weird to see Anakin with someone. It's also very different to see him get soft and emotional. He's just always really serious and firm, you know?"

"Yes. I can imagine how you feel. Sorry if we make you feel awkward."

Ahsoka laughed. "It's fine. I guess you're right. I'm going to have to get used to this."

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