The Council's Greetings

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Arriving at the Temple, Ahsoka and Anakin walked in and traveled all the way up to the Council room, Anakin requesting the meeting of the many Jedi in there. Once they walked in and stood in the middle of the circular room, there was much whispering between the Jedi. Obi-Wan, just finishing listening to Mace, looked up.

"Ahsoka," he said. He got up from his chair. "How nice to see you. I... I can't believe you're here."

"It's really great to see you, too, Master."

Obi-Wan chuckled. "I'm glad to see you're back to you're past self, young one." He nodded to her. "I'd better go sit."

"Padawan Tano has come back," Ki-Adi Mundi observed. He smiled at her respectfully. "My goodness, Skywalker, you must be so happy."

Anakin nodded and the fellow Jedi quieted down to hear the news.

"As you all know, this was my Padawan as of a few months ago," Anakin said to all of them. "Earlier this morning, I was out, walking on the streets and a familiar figure passed me," he lied. "So I walked in the direction that the figure was walking so I could pass it and get a closer look. I ended up walking past, but figuring out it was Ahsoka, I pulled her aside, and we talked and she wanted to come here. She wants to join the Jedi Order again," he announced. More Jedi whispered, and all of them smiled.

"Explain, Ahsoka," Mace said.

"Well," she said, stepping forward, "Ever since I left, I just felt like something was missing. I ignored it and tried to set my mind on something completely different, and it worked. Well, sort of. But I never had let go of my lightsabers. In fact, I have them right here with me." She patted them, hanging on her belt. "As Anakin knows, during the first chase, I lost my one lightsaber. But later, I found it when I was roaming around, very surprised it wasn't stolen. It had been a couple weeks since I lost it. And I ended up very grateful that I went to...I mean, that Anakin found me this morning. He still trusts me after what I did. Now I realize that I made a wrong decision of leaving the Order behind me. Please let me back in. Being a Jedi is my passion and life."

The Council members looked at each other. Mace spoke. "And how can we believe that you haven't been working with separatists?"

"You can believe me, Master Windu. I never was against the Order, I just never thought any of you would trust me again."

Shaak Ti looked at Ahsoka, thinking. "I trust you Ahsoka. I always have. You were always an obedient..."

"For the most part," Anakin said to himself.

Shaak Ti heard him and smiled. "Padawan," she continued. "We will have to look into your files, but otherwise, you should be allowed back in. The other members of the Council nodded to each other.

"Come to us tomorrow, you will. Become a Jedi again, you must," Yoda said.

Obi-Wan nodded. "We're at great loss without you, Ahsoka."

Anakin agreed. "We'll meet back here tomorrow morning, to welcome Ahsoka back into the Order. Right Snips?"

Ahsoka nodded. "Right."

With approval from the Council, they left. They walked down the steps in font of the entrance of the Temple.

"Are you looking forward to being back in the order again?" Anakin asked her as they walked down the steps.

"Yes. I am," Ahsoka replied. "Do you think they'll let me in again?"

Anakin nodded. "I'm pretty positive about that. Ever since you left, no one realized what a big benefit you were to the Order. And a big source of entertainment."

"Hey! Well, I guess my humor and presence pays off."

Anakin smirked. "Your presence?"

Ahsoka smiled. "So when were in there, why did you lie about what happened. Why didn't you say I came to your apartment?"

"Hey, you were going along with it!" Anakin mentioned.

"I know. Just tell me the reason."

"Well..." He climbed in the old transporter ship, Ahsoka following him. "Let's just say, no one really knows I live with Padmé at another place."

"Well, duh. I mean, you didn't have to bring her up."

"Yeah. I know that." He turned to face Ahsoka, who was sitting in the passenger's seat. "Listen, Snips, apparently the Jedi are getting suspicious of me lately. Obi-Wan says that I'm always late. I guess I just don't want them to be even more suspicious, knowing that most Jedi stay in their rooms at the Temple. I usually don't. They know I don't, but..I don't know, I just didn't say, okay? It's a long story."

"Okay," Ahsoka said. "Do you have anything else to tell me about you and Padmé?"

Anakin groaned. "This isn't a love story or a romance novel or anything. Why do you want to know so much about us?" He started the engine and took off.

Ahsoka looked at his serious face, which was facing forward to the window. She smirked.

Without looking back at Ahsoka, he spoke. "What?"

"Just thinking of something," she said.

Anakin rolled his eyes. He was receiving a call from Padmé. He answered. "Hey."

"Hey. How'd it go with Ahsoka?"

"It went pretty well. Everyone was happy to see her. They're looking into taking her back. They'll tell us tomorrow." Anakin turned the ship, going left.

"That's great. I think they'll accept her back in."

"Me too. We're almost home. I'll see you in a few."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Padmé."

He turned off his comlink.

"Oooo," Ahsoka said. "It's not going to be hard to report you. I can't wait to hear this kind of talk between you two all of the time."

"Yeah, whatever," Anakin said. "You won't be eavesdropping, either, just to tell you."

"Can't make any promises, Master."
Ahsoka winked.

They landed and walked out of the ship. Ahsoka ran up to the door and knocked.

The door opened. "Long time no see," Padmé said. "Come on in."

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