The Countdown

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"Anakin," Padmé said in a panicked voice. He was sleeping on the couch. He was laying straight, his legs propped on the one arm of the couch, and his head on the other.

"Anakin, please, wake up." It was two months later, and Padmé's stomach was getting very big. There was only five months left to go.

As soon as he woke up, he still had his eyes closed, and he sensed her. Right away, his eyes shot open. "What?" he asked, standing up as if he wasn't just taking a nap.

The corners of Padmé's eyes were crinkled, but she wasn't crying. "Ani."

"Padmé, what is it?" he asked, concerned. He rushed forward to her and held her head in his hands.

"I felt the kick," she said.


"I felt the baby kick!" she repeated, laughing.

"You felt the baby kick!" Anakin repeated after her. He kissed her.

The Skywalkers had been waiting for months for one single kick, and strangely enough, until now, there hadn't been one that occurred. They both were waiting for a true sign of life, just because it was exciting.

They both laughed, as they held each other. Anakin had been thinking more about the baby, and about being a father. He was starting to become more excited, but many times it didn't show because of his usual stern and serious personality.

"I love you," Anakin said.

"I love you, too," Padmé said, tears of joy filling her eyes.

As a single tear ran down Padmé's cheek, Anakin swiped it away with his thumb. He kissed her again.
"I can't wait. It'll be the three of us, one happy family. He'll have a strong, Jedi Knight father to look up to."

"He? Who said it would be a he?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, I thought it would be a boy. I'd love that. We could raise him to be just like you. He'll be so handsome."

"Can we call it a she? I kind of wanted a girl..."

Padmé laughed. "We have no idea until he's born."

"You said he again."

Padmé laughed again. "Anakin...Oh, by the way, I downloaded this new application on my holopad that counts down the days of whatever you want it to. I got it for counting down the days until the baby is born. After today, there's 4 months and 25 days left."

Anakin nodded.

"What? You got it too?"

"No. I made a countdown, and you take a sheet of paper off of the top everyday, and the numbers get lower and lower."

"Awww, I can always count on you to do something adorable," Padmé said, standing next to and leaning against him.

"Yeah, well--" he started to say, but his comlink beeped. "I have to go, and depending on what this call is about, I might or might not be back by tonight." He kissed her cheek. "I'll see you later." He started to walk out to the balcony, but Padmé stopped him.

"Wait, Ani."

He turned around, looking at her.

"I love you so much."

He smiled. "I love you too." He turned back and jogged to his ship.

Padmé watched as her husband drove away into the bust Coruscant traffic.
"I love you," she whispered.

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