Love Accepted

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"Do you, Anakin Skywalker, take the oath of the renewed Jedi Order?"

"I do."

"You are now part of the renewed Jedi Order. Your name will appear on the new plaque," Obi-Wan instructed. "A statue of you will be constructed at the front of the Temple, and in a new garden dedicated to you, too. Someone has requested it."

Anakin leaned on his knee in front of Obi-Wan, Mace, and Yoda. They were outside the front if the Temple.

He glanced at Padmé and the twins, and Ahsoka behind him. She was next to join the renewed the Order.

The renewed Order consisted of, of course, new rules, policies, restrictions, etc. One new thing that was the most treasured by Anakin was this: #1: A Jedi may love, show affection and have feelings for others. He must love his family with all of his heart and protect them at all costs. He must respect them, and take on his duty as a Jedi.

Ahsoka was christened after Anakin, and he walked back to Padmé, Luke and Leia.

"Daddy," Leia said.

Anakin paused. "Did you just say-"

"Daddy," Leia repeated.

"Padmé," Anakin said, touching her shoulder.

"Leia, you said your first word!" Padmé exclaimed.

Luke had learned a week ago how to talk, and he talked a lot. But when he did, he said random words.

"Daddy Jedi," Luke said.

Anakin and Padmé laughed.

"Yup. Daddy's a Jedi. Someday you will be too," Padmé said.

Ahsoka walked over.

"Congratulations, Ahsoka!" Padmé hugged her.

Anakin hugged her also. "Leia just said her first word."

"Really? What was it, Leia?"

"Daddy!" Leia squealed.

"It's been a pretty great day today. What do say to getting some ice cream?" Anakin asked.

"Ya!" Luke said, and Leia nodded.

"Sure," Ahsoka said, smiling.

"Well, then, I guess that's a yes," Padmé said.

Anakin put his arm around Padmé and kissed her. "Let's go."

They all walked off together into the sunset to celebrate their love and family.


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