Typical Interruptions

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Anakin always closed the door at night in their room because he felt like it separated them from the rest of the world. It made him feel like they didn't have to keep a secret. Like he could act normal.

Anakin ran to the bed, landing on it with a huge bounce. Padmé bobbed up and down on the bed from it. She laughed. "I had no idea you were going to do that!" Her holopad had fallen on the floor.

"Of course you didn't," he said, smiling widely. He moved himself into his typical relaxed position: arms behind his head, laying down, legs crossed.

She laughed again.

"What is it this time?" Anakin asked.

She didn't answer, but held his jaw and kissed him on the lips, and Anakin kissed her back.

But to break the romantic moment, of course, there wasn't just someone at the door, but it was Ahsoka, who had lost her manners and walked straight in. She walked in on them kissing, of course.

"Hey, Master, do you think I could-" She saw them and covered her mouth, embarrassed that she walked in at such a wrong time. Anakin turned his head slightly, and Padmé looked up, leaning on Anakin.

"Sorry! Kriff, I'm so sorry!" Ahsoka blushed and Padmé rolled back over to her side of the bed.


"I'm sorry!"

"Snips, it's-"

"I'm really, really sorry-"

"Ahsoka, it's okay!" Anakin interrupted her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything."

"No, it's okay. I mean, I guess it's not that bad. You were just kissing, anyway."

Anakin didn't desire talking about kissing his wife with Ahsoka, so he moved on to a different subject. He felt really awkward. "So what is it that you wanted?"

"Oh! I just was going to ask you if you had any small lights, like a reading light or something? Well, actually, I was originally going to ask you if you had an extra toothbrush that I could use, but I remembered I have one that I brought in the bathroom in your room. So am I going to have to use this bathroom all of the time?"

"Yeah. There's not another one here. Unless you want to go outside," Anakin joked. "And here." He handed her a small light, a reading light, just like what she wanted.

"Thanks! And, actually, I have to use the bathroom, so can I um... use it?"

"Sure. Go ahead." Anakin walked back to his bed and laid on top of the covers like he was before. As soon as he got comfortable, he got a call on his com-link. He rolled his eyes. "Of course," he said to himself quietly.

"Skywalker. What's up?" Anakin answered.

Padmé laid behind him, smiling at the use of their last name when he answered the call. He usually never did that.

"Yes, Anakin, we need you, now. It seems we're continuing the mission we never really started. The one where we all had to retreat because you got shot and we didn't have enough men. It's our dear old friend Grievous, of course," Obi-Wan said.

"Ah, that again? I was hoping since I'd gotten injured I wouldn't have to go back again."

"Yes, well... things don't always work out the way you want them to, right Anakin?"

"Yes, I agree. I'll be there soon."

"See you then," Obi-Wan replied as he clicked off his comlink.

"Alright, I'm leaving," Anakin said, turning around to Padmé.

Her eyes lowered, disappointed. Before she could say anything, Ahsoka walked out of the bathroom. "Hi! Sorry, I'm just going back to my bed now," she said.

Padmé smiled at Ahsoka as she walked past them, the only light shining through the cracked-open blinds being the bright lights of the passing ships. The night life in the city of Coruscant was very busy and popular.

Anakin turned back from watching Ahsoka leave the room to Padmé again. He noticed her upset expression.

"Hey, I'll be back soon. Don't worry. I'm not gonna get blown up or anything. I should be back in a day or two." He leaned down to her level and she cupped her hands around his jaw. She skimmed her thumb over the long battle scar over his eye.

"I love you, Anakin. Please be back soon. I'll miss you, strong Jedi." Padmé smiled.

"I'll miss you too, Padmé. I love you so much, and like I said, don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Ahsoka appeared at the door. She put her hands up in frustration and dropped them down again, slapping the fronts of her legs. "Ugh! I always come in at the worst times!" she said, walking out again.

With Padmé's and Anakin's faces still close, they laughed. Padmé looked into his bright blue eyes and Anakin looked into her big, brown eyes. He kissed her and when he let go, he told her goodbye and said that he loved her once more. Padmé had a small fear deep down inside her that he wouldn't be back for a while.

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