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Anakin practically dragged Hazel down the hallway.

"Let-go-of-me!" She struggled to escape his grasp.

"Again, why should I?" He continued to drag her.

"You're reckless and tenacious!" she hissed.

"I know," Anakin said proudly.

Padmé, dressed in her usual, flowing, purple dress, saw Anakin and hurried over. "Wait, what's going on?" she asked curiously, looking at Hazel struggling.

"Oh, forget about the whole thing. She just ran off in the middle of when I was talking to her!"

"You weren't talking!"

"Listen, Slick, if you want to stay alive-"

"Anakin," Padmé said. "Don't."

He sighed and looked away. "Alright, well, no matter what, I'm turning you in Hazel."

"No! Please!"

"Oh, and just in time, look who's coming! Riyo Chuchi!" After the Senate had started to crumble without the Chancellor, after Anakin eliminated him, Riyo agreed to take over his job, at least until they could find someone else to do it."

"Well then, I guess you aren't Hazel Dessen, destined warrior of the Jedi," she directed at Hazel.

"I-" Hazel started.

"Actually, she is," Anakin interrupted. "She says she wanted to 'get away from the Jedi.'" He tugged Hazel's arm forcefully. "'To get out of their grasp.'"

Riyo stared at Hazel. "You're a disgrace to the Jedi Order and the Republic."

Hazel scowled at her.

"Come on," Anakin said, pulling her arms behind her back and locking her wrists together with his hand. He lifted his other arm to his mouth, speaking into his comlink. "Rex, bring a small group of clones to the Senate building. We've got a small problem on our hands."

"Yes sir," Rex answered.

Anakin put his hand back around Hazel's wrists. "Keep it going," he said, shoving his boot into the back her ankle.

"Anakin," Padmé said, catching up to him. She walked next to him. "Don't be so hard on her."

Riyo walked in front of all of them, leading them to the interrogation room.

"How can I not? Do you know what she did?"

"Be mindful of your actions. You're supporting her side of the story."

"You sound like Obi-Wan now," Anakin scoffed.

Padmé looked at Hazel's back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

"No that's not what I meant-"

Padmé held up her hand. "Say no more. I understand what you meant."

Anakin groaned, and Padmé rolled her eyes. They saw each other's gestures and turned to face each other.

"Really?" they said in unison. They both groaned. For a few minutes, they were silent. But Padmé couldn't keep the smug smile off of her face.

"What now?" Anakin asked her, but they were already to the interrogation room.

Riyo walked onto her own platform, the one that the Chancellor used to stand on. It stood in the middle of the oval-shaped atrium-type room.

Anakin stood on the overhang behind the platform Hazel and Padmé walked onto. He was there for protection.

Once everyone that needed to be there was there, Riyo spoke.

"We now recall the original interrogation of Hazel Dessen, former Jedi Knight."

Mutters and whispers traveled all around the room.

"I know what I said, that I spoke the word former, in Hazel's address. This is for a reason." Riyo looked around at everyone around the room. "We gather here today to question Miss Dessen. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker was with her this morning, ten minutes before the original interrogation was supposed to start. She escaped from their mere talk. Explain, Miss Dessen."

"Yes, I wanted to get out of their trap! They hold us in their grasp like a prison!" Hazel protested, her hair flying everywhere.

"Well, you'll be in yet another prison soon," Riyo said.

"No! Please! All I wanted to do was escape!"

"If you wanted to escape so badly, surely you could've picked another, reasonable way. The way that you chose to attempt to escape makes you look vulnerable to some kind of plan against the Republic."


"If all you're going to do is plead yourself not guilty, you may be taken away by the prison clone troopers now," Riyo explained calmly.

"But I am-"

"Guards, take her away, kindly, will you?"

They nodded their heads firmly and obeyed. The interrogation was now over. There was no explaining for Anakin to do; he had already told Riyo all what had happened.

"All representatives, senators, you are free to go," Riyo granted.

Padmé rode her platform back over to Anakin. He took her hand gingerly, helping her off of it, and she stepped down.

"Thank you," Padmé said.

"So, that meeting was pretty short and sweet," Anakin mentioned.

Padmé nodded. "Well, I don't mean to interrupt our talk or anything, General Skywalker, but I must be getting home. It was wonderful to see you, as always."

Anakin smiled. "Of course. I'll see you later, then?"

"Yes. Later." Padmé smiled at him and walked off.

Anakin looked around and started walking too, but in a different direction so no one would suspect anything. He jogged to his starfighter, just to see Padmé again in 10 minutes.

Secrets and Suspicion (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now