Miracles: They Do Happen

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Riyo ran quickly back into the room. "General Skywalker, I found medical assistance. Come with me," she said breathlessly.

He looked up, his eyes tired and hopeless. But he stood up with Padmé draped in his arms, and followed her.

She led him to Padmé's sleek ship, and he laid her down in the bed in the back. Riyo stood over her and Anakin.

"Medical assistance is on it's way," Riyo told Anakin calmly.

His comlink beeped. Mace picked up.

"Anakin, I need you, right now," he said sternly. "There is a major issue in the Chancellor's office. Come quickly."

Anakin looked at Padmé, her face peaceful. "I'll be back. I love you," he said to Padmé. His voice had softened from it's usual deep, serious tone.

"Anakin?" Mace asked.

"I'm coming," he said, clearing his throat. He stood up, adjusting the collar of his robes. He turned to Riyo.
"Take good care of her." He walked out of the ship and jumped in his starfighter.


"Master, what is it?" Anakin asked, rushing into the Chancellor's office.

He saw the the Chancellor with a wrinkles face and yellow eyes.

Anakin pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it. He walked towards Chancellor Palpatine, his saber held down next to him.

"This is Darth Sidious, the powerful Sith lord that people were warning others about," Mace said. He stood near the window, which was shattered.

"Chancellor Palpatine," Anakin said. "Somehow I suspected something of you. You're a traitor!"

"My dear boy, come to the dark side and your loved one will be saved. The Sith can heal the wounded and bring back the dead!"

"No one can resurrect the dead," Anakin spat. "Not even the Jedi! Now let's get this over with."

Darth Sidious sent electric shocks toward Anakin. But he was too quick; he deflected it with his lightsaber, shooting the shocks full-force back at Sidious. He turned even more wrinkled than before, and screamed in pain.

"I'll never join you!" Anakin yelled.

"Anakin, don't let him deceive you!"

Sidious sent lightning to Anakin, this time hitting him for a few seconds. He deflected it again, but groaned in agony.

"Surrender, Chancellor!" Mace yelled.

Sidious cackled. "The Jedi are hopeless and powerless!"

"No!" Anakin yelled, running towards Darth Sidious with his lightsaber swinging. Anakin heard Mace yell, "No!" But after that everything went pitch-black.

Minutes later, Anakin woke up to a swarm of troops in the office. He lifted his head. "What? What's going on here?"

"General, you defeated the Sith lord," Rex said.

Anakin sat up slowly. He just remembered what happened and where he was. Wait. I have to go save Padmé.

"I did? I did!"

He looked across the room and saw Mace standing around talking to a few clones. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were standing there, too.

Ahsoka looked over and saw that Anakin was awake. "Anakin," she said. "You're awake! I can't believe the Chancellor was secretly... a... a Sith."

"I know, Snips. Look, I hate to say it, but I really need to go. Like now." He leaned towards Ahsoka, talking into her ear. "Padmé's in labor. I have to go. If anyone asks, come up with another excuse!"

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