Bottomless Pit of Good News

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"Padmé," Anakin ran down the long hallway filled with windows to see her. She was sitting on the bed in their temporary bedroom.

"Hmm?" she asked. The twins were napping on the bed.

"Come here," he said, taking her hand and leading her out into the hallway.

"They're rebuilding everything on Coruscant. And, also, more good news: the explosive only traveled 50 feet, instead of like, 300,000 miles! The Temple was fine, and most of Coruscant was left perfectly normal."

Padmé gasped. "That's great!"

"I know! We can go back soon! They get ten buildings done a day!"


"Yeah! They have over 500 workers."

"Oh, Ani!" Padmé embraced him.

"I know! The faster they build, the sooner we can go back. I'm estimating...hmm, 2 days."

"That's amazing! I can't wait!"

"Oh, and I have something to show you. Come here," he said, taking her hand and leading her to the place where he parked his ship. But instead of his being there, a sleek, shiny, silver ship.

"You didn't," Padmé said, ecstatic. "How-?"

"Oh, before the attacks I had Captain Typho pick it up and bring it here. Your welcome," he said simply.

"Thank you so much, Anakin. I-I don't know how to thank you!"

"You don't have to. I mean, a kiss would be nice..," He joked.

And she kissed him, just like he wanted.

"And one more thing."


"Yeah. Close your eyes." He led her up the steps to the balcony, to where they got married. He walked behind her, and laced something around her neck.
"Now, open them."

She opened her eyes, and looked down at her chest, where a necklace rested.
It was the beautiful necklace from her grandmother that she received in the mail from her parents.

Padmé gasped. "Ani!" She turned around, holding his face in her hands and kissing his cheek. "How did you save it from the explosion?"

"I don't know. I just did."

Padmé laughed, a tear slipping down her cheek. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes.

"Thank you so, so, so much."

Anakin didn't say anything back, but just looked back at her, smiling. He leaned with his arms crossed on the railing overlooking the lake. It gleamed and glittered from the suns' light.

Padmé joined him. "This is so relaxing."

Anakin smiled in agreement.

"You know what this reminds me of?" Padmé said to him. "The time I had my first kiss. Which was with you, of course, but...we were standing in these exact spots."

Anakin laughed. "I've kissed a few other girls before I kissed you."

Padmé made a face.

He laughed again. "I'm just kidding. You were my first kiss, too."

"Well, you were pretty good at it for your first try, I must say."

They laughed together. Crying could be heard from inside the house.

"The kids!" Padmé exclaimed, and they ran in, up the stairs and into the bedroom.

Of course, Luke was the one crying, and Leia was just lying down silently.

"Strange, isn't she, with that? She almost never cries," Padmé said.

Anakin scooped up Luke, cradling him. "Hey, Luke! Shhh, it's okay..."

It was now that Leia started crying.

"Anakin, there's a jealous little one over here," Padmé said.

He smiled at Leia, hoping that it would help her to stop crying. It did, but Luke was still in his arms, so she was still upset.

"What's wrong, Lei? Want me to hold you?" Anakin held his one arm out that Luke wasn't occupying.

She stopped crying and stuck her bottom lip out, eyes filled to the brim with tears.

Anakin smiled. "Here," he took her from Padmé, holding her in his right arm. She laid against his chest, sniffing.

"See, all better," Padmé said, watching Anakin hold both of them.

"I think we're ready to go home, now."


"Ready?" Anakin said, the four Skywalkers standing at the front door of their newly built apartment. To Padmé's surprise, the building looked exactly the same as before, which she liked, because she wasn't ready for another style.

"Ready," Padmé replied.

He opened the door, and it looked exactly the same. Anakin didn't look surprised. He walked in with Leia in his arm and his suitcase in his other hand. "It's great to be home again."

"Anakin? I love this! Is this another one of your works?"


She walked over and kissed him on the cheek from behind. "Thank you, Anakin! This is great!"

"All that's different is some upgrades in a few things, but they still look the same."

"Wow," she said, walking into the kitchen. The fridge and a few cabinets opened automatically. "What..?"

"Mind sensing. I figured I'd upgrade a few things to do that so you wouldn't be so jealous of what I can do," Anakin joked.

"I am not...whatever. I love this! How many times can I thank you?"

"I'm telling you, Padmé, you don't need to."

"But I do." She walked into the living room where he was standing. "Thank you so, so much, Ani. I don't know how to thank you."

"Of course. It was no problem at all." He kissed the top of her head. "What do you say about unloading our ton of stuff?"

"Good idea. My arms are starting to get really tired. Let's go."

They walked into the bedroom, happy with their 'new' home.

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