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Anakin woke up to the sound of splattering. He opened his eyes slowly and turned to Padmé's side of the bed, but she wasn't there. He cringed, forcing himself to get up and pull his boots on. He walked to the bathroom, and there she was, sitting on the closed toilet seat with a trash can in her arms, hovering over it.

Anakin leaned against the doorway, rubbing his eyes. "Good morning."

Padmé just looked at him with a wince.

"Do you want anything?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"Alright, well I'm not gonna leave. I'll call Obi-Wan and tell him I can't come in right now."

Padmé set the can on the floor, getting up and walking over to him.

"What are you doing? Sit down, Padmé, I've got this under control."

"Anakin," she said in a weak voice, "you can't go in late again. We just can't afford this secret to get out. Just go in. I can take care of myself. I've done it before."

"No, I can't leave with you this sick."

"Then you're going to be late a whole lot of other days," Padmé said. "It's going to be like this for a long time now."

"I guess you're right. Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Ahsoka walked behind Anakin. "Ready to go, Master?" She paused, seeing Padmé, who had dark circles under her eyes and the trash can behind her on the floor. "Are you okay, Senator Amidala?"

"I'm fine, thank you Ahsoka. Just morning sickness." She turned back to Anakin. "I'm fine, Anakin."

"Call us if you need any help," Ahsoka offered.

Padmé gave a weak smile. "Go on, you two, you'll be late if you don't."

It was about 6:30 in the morning, and it was still dark outside in Coruscant.

Ahsoka and Anakin looked at each other.

"Well, if we don't leave now, we'll never get there. Traffic is slow right now, so we will be really backed up if we don't get out of here now," Ahsoka said, still looking up at Anakin.

"I'll see you later, Padmé," Anakin said, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. Padmé offered a weak smile again.

Anakin walked out from under the doorframe of the bathroom, following Ahsoka out of his bedroom.

As they walked, making their way out of the apartment and to their ships, Ahsoka noticed something. But she wouldn't tell Anakin; he would freak out. She had noticed earlier that Padmé's stomach looked like it was getting bigger at twice the speed of an average woman. She thought it was strange, but she hadn't expanded her thoughts, because Anakin interrupted her thinking.

"Thinking about something, Snips?"

"Hmm, what?" she asked, startled.

"Nothing," he said, averting his eyes. He looked at the buildings around him as he walked. "Well, I'll see you at the Temple." He stepped in his starfighter.

Ahsoka stepped in hers. "See you, Master."

Anakin sped off in the direction of the Temple. As he drove, he thought about what had happened this morning. This, of course, was the first time Padmé was pregnant, so he hasn't had any experience. Every day he thought about it, and every day he was stressed. He wanted Padmé to be okay, and he didn't want her to be sick every day like she had been. He was stressed about a lot right now. Work, keeping a huge secret, Padmé being pregnant... Anakin had a lot on his mind right now.


"Ahsoka," Anakin said calmly, walking into the meditation room.

Ahsoka opened her eyes, sitting cross-legged on a chair. "Hm?"

"What are you doing? You we're supposed to be at that meeting up in the tower an hour ago!"

"What? Well, no one ever told me!"

"I told you," Anakin said. He walked farther into the room, his arms crossed across his chest. "Please don't tell me you're abusing the Force."

"No," Ahsoka said defensively, but obviously was lying.

"And lying?! I'm very disappointed in you, Snips."

Ahsoka thought he was joking. "Whatever," she said, laughing. "I'll make sure to come to the meeting next time."

"I'm not kidding, Snips. I've been telling you for the whole time you've been my Padawan, you need to be respectful."

"What? Master! I'm sorry, I- I thought you were joking! What is up with you?"

"What is up with me?! Did you really just ask that question? Nothing's up with me! You know what? I'm leaving. You can come home later," Anakin said, walking out, the door sliding shut behind him.

"Master!" Ahsoka looked towards the door. Sometimes her Master could be as dramatic as a teenage girl.


"Uh!" Anakin made a irritated noise and slammed the apartment door shut. He sat on the couch, placing his elbows on his knees and putting his hands through his hair.

While Padmé was gone at work, Anakin found out at the meeting that he wasn't having another meditative retreat for another year, and he was going on a mission that lasted for a week and a half. Anakin truly needed a retreat and time off. So much stress was placed on his shoulders.

Also, his bullet wound on his stomach had been causing a lot of pain again after he tore it half open on the battlefield on Florrum.

He groaned and let out a deep breath. Look at the bright side, Anakin, you don't have to deal with that serpent Clovis anymore, he thought. He lifted his head and dropped it backwards onto the cushions on the back of the couch. This is going to be a long rest of the day, he thought.

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