forty two*

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leaving New York for the second time was harder than the first. I had this gut feeling that when I came back things were gonna be different, and I didn't know whether that would be good or bad.

we took a flight to the next location and billie was thrown straight into interviews, soundcheck and a concert on barely any sleep.

we'd been back on the road for three days and I'd been able to leave the bus with billie, which was a lot easier without louis and harry, not to mention having to worry about revealing myself.

via instagram stories @ monarch 

I was currently talking with claudia while she was editing a vlog

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I was currently talking with claudia while she was editing a vlog.

"we should film a video together" she suddenly said, looking up from her laptop.

"like what?"

"I don't know, I've done a truth or drink before, it could be fun"

"we'll have to film it when we get back to Los Angeles"

"are you coming back to LA?"

I shrug, i haven't really thought that far ahead. "I think so, I do want to go back to the uk to visit my family but it depends how far along we are with the album I guess"

"aren't you almost done? Finn showed me some tracks and they're so good"

"kinda? we're like over halfway bit theres still a lot that needs tweaking and shit, not to mention planning music videos which needs input from me, not just billie like most of her previous videos"

"I'm sure you'll come up with something"

"oh billie has gone a ton of ideas but she cant pick which song. she usually releases a song or two from the album before it drops with music videos but she isn't sure which ones"

"well billie-"

"I heard my name" suddenly billie walks onto the bus and I roll my eyes "you're so annoying"

"but you love it" billie cheeses, sitting beside me and wrapping her arms around me, pecking my cheek.

"how was it?"

"just like every other one, they asked me when I was having a baby"

"a baby?"

"well because I'm a woman dating a man they presume imma be popping babies out"

"so, when are you?" I ask with a smirk and she slaps my arm "fuck off"

billie sits back and puts her feet up on the table as finneas comes up onto the bus. it's a different bus to the last time we were on the road, there's only two beds because theres only four of us on this level of the bus.

billie and I will be sharing a bed, even though we're 'friends' but she's used to being cuddly with her friends anyways.

the bus we're using is a double decker, and we're upstairs where theres more room, downstairs having a bunch of bunk beds and a space for luggage.

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