thirty nine

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30k 😭😭 i love every single one of you who votes, comments or just reads. you make my day <3

when i wake up the side of my bed is cold and empty.

where's bambi?

i grab my phone off the side and see a message from billie.


hi baby, sorry i had to leave so early
i have an unplanned meeting this
morning and i didn't want to wake
you, you look so pretty when you
you left your phone on the side all night
so it was dead when i got it, i put it on
charge for you
text me when you wake up, i miss you
oh and i love you so much

the bed is lonely without you :(

good morning princess
did you sleep well?

i missed sleeping with you

me too
i wish i didn't have to leave
i'm in meetings most of the
day and i just wanna be with

be patient my love
we'll be back together soon

can you come to the hotel

i'm on my period

i know baby
i just wanna cuddle

i'll see
i have to go and see lisa
today to potentially see the options
for the new book cover
and look at some shit i have

i thought you were waiting
until after the album to release
the book?

oh i forgot to tell you
it's gonna be released
in the next couple of months
before the album is released

did they tell you this yesterday?

i have a lot of poems
it's just figuring out which ones
i want to include
because some are really personal

can i have a look at some of
your poems sometime?

of course baby
some of those are really dark
but i trust you

i gotta go
i love you

i love you more

luckily the video i filmed last night saved after my phone died but i have a few hours of literally pitch black once we all went to sleep.

i scroll to the part just after we went to bed and hear the loud fake moaning of billie and it makes me laugh.

i reluctantly get out of bed to do my business in the bathroom, knowing i should probably eat but staying in bed sounds better.

lisa calls me and let's me know i can go to her office anytime, there's no rush today.

i know we have a lot of work to go through so i decide going now is the best thing to do, especially because i don't have billie to keep me company right now.

i get dressed, deciding to make myself a coffee to wake myself up.

it's a little chilly so i decide on some jeans and a chunk knit sweater, matching them with all black old skool vans i haven't worn in ages.

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