fifty six*

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it's been two days.

I haven't spoken to Lisa or billie.

I've been staying with Louis while his roommate Charlie is out of town and today I'm viewing an apartment not far from where Louis is.

Mike had kept me up to date with the investigation and has given me Lisas's new number, urging me to talk to her.

I've spoken to Claudia, who respects my decision to be alone right now.

tour starts again in three days and I still don't know whether I want to go back on tour.

my book comes out in two weeks and Lisa had started arranging a book signing tour for next month but I don't know what's going on with that.

harry is at home with his parents while they sort out everything with Cara but I don't care. he's probably on her side but I want nothing to do with that family.

I opened up to Louis about potentially moving back to the uk, forgetting about billies our, my tour and the whole author thing and disappear but it's easier said than done.

I do want to be with billie, just not right now.

I don't know what I want.

I still don't really know who I am.

louis knocks on his bedroom door and i jump up, cautious as to where his cat is.

living with that fluffy devil has been the hardest thing ever.

don't get me wrong, the little thing is cute...when he's at the other side of the room asleep.

"he's eating" louis calls out, letting me know it's safe to enter.

as i open his bedroom door, he closes the kitchen door, so i'm away from his cat.

"are you ready?" he asks me, glancing at my outfit.

louis went to billies apartment yesterday to retrieve some of my essentials for me, so i wasn't wearing the same thing everyday.

today i felt a little more like myself, dressing in a skirt and blouse.


we catch the tube down to the apartment building, meeting the estate agent outside.

it's very small for the price so I take his card and let him know I'll be in touch.

I won't be. that shit is way too overpriced and I swear I could hear the neighbours having sex.

"you know what this means" I say to Louis as soon as we say goodbye to frank.


"shopping!" we link arms and laugh, walking towards the tube which luckily isn't far.

after three hours of unsuccessful shopping we take a Starbucks break, ordering a drink and a well deserved cake.

"do you know what you're gonna do?" Louis asks me, taking a bite into his muffin and I shake my head "I have two options; A being go on tour with billie and B being stay in New York, get help and go on my own tour"

"how are you gonna decide?"

"I have no idea"

via instagram stories @ monarch

via instagram stories @ monarch

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