twenty four.

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uh hi.. I've had a lot of trouble with my wifi so I havent been able to reply to dms or update so I apologise.

I hope y'all like this chapter, I think you're gonna like it and I hope I'm right.

i've rewritten the ending part of the book so many fucking times, life is just a bitch rn.

tw-mention of miscarriage

tw-mention of miscarriage

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billies pov

i shouldn't jump to conclusions.

i'd barely slept a wink. i'd been thinking about the text she received all night and i didn't know what to do.

we told each other everything.

well i thought we did.

who was cumslut?

what secret were they hiding?

it was driving me insane.

i went into the basement and spent an hour on the treadmill, running my anger out and pushing myself until my legs felt like jelly.

i led on the cold concrete floor and cried and i've never felt more pathetic.

i was in love with her.

i had fallen so hard i was too scared to make a move. i didn't want to ruin what we had.

i'd watch her eat infront of me without thought, she'd stopped sneaking off to the bathroom and she started wearing shorts and laying around without a bra on.

she was getting more comfortable with me.

and I loved it.

i had never felt like this with anyone. in my previous relationships i'd always made my feelings known or made the first move.

things were different with angel and i couldn't understand what.

i felt myself being more cautious around her and i didn't know what had gotten into me.

part of me wanted to call up one of my fuck buddies to release some tension but it almost felt like i was cheating on her.

after i got myself up off the floor, i took a cold shower and went to town with my box of.... things, pushing myself over the edge again and again until i couldn't anymore.

that just made my body tired.

there was still a gnawing feeling in my head i couldn't get rid of.

angel had met my other best friends and we had a lot of fun, drinking and playing board games together last weekend at my house, all having a big sleepover on my living room floor.

zoe had called me up the next day and i confessed my feelings for angel, and i was happy i had someone to talk to about it.

i didn't want to tell finn because it could get in the way of our work, and that was a big factor as to why i hadn't done anything about my feelings.

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