Chp.1 Koichi Arrives/Leaky Eye Luca

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It was a beautiful day in the south city of Italy, Naples. One afternoon at the airport, an likely and familiar traveler has come to Italy from Morioh Japan, and this likely fellow happens to be a familiar friend back at Morioh, friends with Josie Higashikata, her boyfriend, Okuyasa Nijimura, Jocelyn Kujo and more, and this my friends is Koichi Hirose. He has arrive in Italy...

Koichi: *Yawns* Oh man. What a journey, but I've finally made, definitely not in Japan no more. Okay, let's get down to business.

Koichi takes out a picture from his pocket while carrying his luggage...

Koichi: Hmmm. Her name is Haruna Shiobana. Well that's not a name you'll hear everyday. I should head for the hotel. I can't track this girl down while carrying my luggage around with me.

Koichi soon started heading outside, exiting the airport building...

Koichi: Okay, now to find a taxi cab-

Officer #1: Damn! Look at her go!

Koichi suddenly sees two police officers, with a female teenager with long blonde tied up hair...and seems like she's showing them some kind of magic trick?? The teenage girl started folding her ear??! And as if it doesn't even hurt her...

Officer #1: Wow! That's so foul!

Officer #2: How can you fold your entire ear! It's so amazing and so painful to watch! But damn it's so cool for some reason! Hehe, young lady, you just made our whole day.

???: Grazie.

Suddenly, As the two officer were about to leave, the female teenager suddenly hands over something to the officers, which it got Koichi's attention for a moment...

Officer #1: Just keep it on the down, will ya? You stay weird now.

The two officer have left, as the female teenager suddenly notices Koichi...

???: Oh hey, need a taxi, my friend?

Koichi: H-Huh?! Oh me?? O-Oh no. I'm fine really, thank you.

???: You sure? I can drop you off for 180,000 lire. That's a pretty sweet deal, and I can get you to the center of town.

Koichi: Hmmm. Let's see the conversion in Japan will be 10,000 yen. Sorry, not interested. That's double going the rate!

???: Oh woah. Nice job, you speak such excellent Italian. Have you ever live here on Italy?

Koichi: O-Oh! Hehe, not really. I just had my friend, Rohan-Sensei to make it so...Hey wait! Never mind, it's not that important. Okay anyways, are you willingly to drive me to town? I mean you look like your in high school at the very most, and I notice you hand over something to the officers. I'm pretty sure it might be cash, did you paid them off??

???: Oh no. It's nothing like that. Don't bust a gasket. So, 10,000 lire then. Forget the tip, let's get going before it gets late.

Koichi: 10,000 lire?? Isn't it...500 yen? No, sorry. That won't be necessary at all. I'll just wait like everyone else-

Soon, Koichi notices a big line for the taxi cab...which will take probably almost the whole day...

???: So, still wanna wait?

Koichi: *sighs* ...hehe, 10,000 you said?

???: Thats right, train off is you have to carry your own luggage. You don't have to tip, member?

And so, Koichi agrees as he and the female teenager wakes over o her vehicle, soon Koichi placing his luggage on the front of the seat as he goes sitting behind the car as the female teenager was already ready to drive off...

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