Chp.24 Enter Prosciutto And Pesci

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After dealing and defeating Illuso and his stand Mirro Man, Fugo, Abbacchio, Giorna and (YN) have finally retrieve the key and they now head back to their base with Bucciarati and the soon they have gathered all together, keeping Trish as well on their side and protecting her...soon (YN) Bruno was driving as Abbacchio took a look at the key, inside the key had a message saying...

"You safeguarded my daughter's life, and therefore you have my gratitude. Go to Napoli Chenthralé, Nario 6, you will find an object that will be for the key to fit in, and use it wisely. You are given orders to take my daughter to Venezia by train. Directive will cease once you all arrive to Venezia."

Abbacchio: Looks like we have to get there and get another order from the boss.

Bruno: Yes, Anyways, Giorna, how's (YN)?

Giorna: All done. He's good now.

Giorna was at the back, as she was done fixing (YN)'s wounds as he was laying down, with Fugo, Mista...and Trish and Narancia at the middle seat behind Bruno and Abbacchio...

Giorna: How you're feeling, (YN)?

(YN): Better, I just need to sit down for a bit, laying down won't help.

Giorna: Of course. Rest easily.

Suddenly, Trish scoots closer to (YN)...

Trish: Hey, I heard you had to deal with a strong enemy, and I just wanna say...

Trish suddenly places her hand onto (YN)'s hand as she says to him..

Trish: I'm glad you're okay.

(YN): Oh...Thank you, signorita Trish.

Giorna soon was starting to feel a bit weird and yet uncomfortable seeing Trish being too nice with (YN) she did this...

Giorna: You know, (YN)...

Giorna places her hand onto his other hand...

Giorna: I've been more worried about you with the enemy you and Fugo had to deal with, and I'm more gladly to see you're okay.

(YN): O-Oh...Well, thank you, Gio-

Trish: You know, you should be more careful next time *gets closer* You'll get me way more worried.

(YN): Oh. I will be more-

Giorna: *Gets closer as well* Even so, the more danger you put yourself in, the more worried and afraid I'll be when someone hurts you.

(YN): I-I un-

Trish: Hmm. Really? Cause it seems that I am more worried for (YN) than you.

Giorna: Tch. You may be the boss's daughter, but you have no right to be worried for him, I was more worried for (YN) than you are.

Trish: No, I am! I was at home with Mr.Bucciarati and the others and felt so lonely without him, surely I should be the one being more worried for him.

Giorna: No me!

Trish: Me!

Giorna: Me!

Trish: Me!

Giorna: Me!

Trish: (YN), who seems to be more worried? Me or Giorna?

Giorna: Yeah, tell us (YN). Me or Trish?

Trish and Giorna had their breast pressed towards (YN)'s shoulder's on each...(YN) felt like he didn't wanted to choose...until Bruno at the front says...

Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now