Chp.33 Enter Ghiaccio:White Album Pt.1

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And so, it was the middle of the night, as Giorna and (YN) were minutes away to get to Venezia as Bruno and the others have already arrived there before them two, only one road connects to the mainland with the island of the center and yet...once they do, Giorna and (YN) we're asked by Bruno that once they head to the station of Venezia, near a statue lies the disk that is hidden...Giorna was driving the vehicle as (YN) was sitting on front with her...

(YN): Looks like we are in clear for now.

Giorna: Good, and seems the city here is still asleep. We are the only ones on the road.

(YN): Hmm....That's weird, why are the windows fogging up all do the sudden?

Suddenly, Hiorna somehow lost control of the wheel as it caused the car to lose control as (YN) lands his hand on the window and Giorna keeping the wheel straight...

Giorna: S-Sorry! I-I guess the road is kinda getting sturdy somehow.

(YN): On a road like this? Weird. Say, you even have license??

Giorna: ...No.

(YN): You're 18 and you don't have a license? Haha. Oh you.

Giorna: Your the one to talk, your one year older than me and you don't even have a license either.

(YN): ...Fair enough.

...Suddenly as (YN)'s hand was on the window and was yet wanting to move it...his hand felt...stuck, stuck to the winked and somehow worn budge...

Giorna: (YN)? Is something wrong?

(YN): My won't ..move. It's like...I'm stuck to it somehow...

Giorna: What?? Don't joke with me-

(YN): I-I'm not! M-My hand is literally stuck! And I can't...take it off!

Giorna: Wh-What?! Here, what if I lower the windows and-

As soon Giorna lowers the window down, a huge cold breeze enter the car...

Giorna: Wh-What the hell?! What's with this wind?!?

Suddenly, Giorna and (YN) heard someone on top of the rooftop of the car...and yet...that someone happens to be the member of the hitman team, his name is Ghiaccio...and yet...he is the one that is causing the cold breezing wind...

Ghiaccio: The thought of losing really "chills" me to the bone. Hehe, luckily we did some research on the computer and analyze on the ashes piecing together on the photo that Pericolo burned down was surprisingly easy. What an idiotic move!!

(YN): Wh-What the?! Is someone above us on the car?!?

Ghiaccio: Did you fools really think you had what it takes to get away?!? HUH?!?

Ghiaccio started hitting and stomping on top of the roof of the car...

Giorna: Another enemy! A-And I bet he's the one that's causing this whole breading wind! W-Wait, does this bastardo have a stand with ice powers?! Same as yours, (YN)?!

(YN): I-I don't know, but it seems he does, only thing is he's causing a huge cold breeze around us, and I'm starting to feel freakin cold right here! A-And my hand feels hella cold! Th-The car is cryogenically being frozen!

Giorna: Sh-Shit! It's so damn cold!

Ghiaccio: Well what am I seeing here?! The two of you aren't traveling with Trish and Bucciarati?! Must be pretty important to risk separating. I got it, you've been given special assignments to retrieves something big! The place in that picture, somethings at Santa Lucia!

Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now