Chp.57 The Sorrow Death Of Narancia

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As we left off...soon Bucciarati and the rest thought that everything was gonna be okay after defeating Diavolo...but however..they all realize...that time has skipped...

Narancia (Giorna): Time jumped! We skipped a few seconds!

Turtle Polnareff: I know, Bucciarati's sentence skipped to the end!

Diavolo (Bucciarati): But it can't be! Diavolo isn't even in my body, Doppio is! So how could this be?!

Bruno (Doppio): B-Bossu is here still?!

Mista (Trish): H-He's is! He's here! I don't know where...but he's here I can feel his presence! D-Dad...I-I'm scared!

Bruno (Doppio): It's okay sweetie, I'm here for you. where the hell is he?!

Turtle Polnareff: No this doesn't make any sense! If We all switch bodies, how the hell time skipped?! Unless Doppio, you're lying to us and yet maybe Diavolo is-

Bruno (Doppio): N-No I'm not lying! I'm serious! I would never pull such lie! I'm being honest!

Fugo (YN): He's telling the truth, remember, Doppio only was bestow by Diavolo's King Crimson. He only use it cause Diavolo was in his body.

Trish (Mista): So what the hell then?!? If Diavolo is here and time skipped, then where the fuck is he?!

Diavolo (Bucciarati): Narancia, are you picking up anything from Little Bomber?!

. reply from Narancia...

(YN) (Fugo): Narancia???

Soon...Fugo was looking for he suddenly heard liquid drops near him...and yet...he looks down..and yet there was blood...and yet he follows he trace of blood above he then...his eyes widen, and see something that he wouldn't dare to see happening...soon..everyone realize it as well...

(YN) (Fugo): ...N-No...I-It can't be..

Mista (Trish): Wh-Wh-What...?! This can't be...but How?! Right now I don't feel his presence?! What the hell..?!?

Bruno (Doppio): ...Wh-What has he done?!

Fugo (YN): ...N-No!!

Diavolo (Bucciarati): ...Th-That bastard!

Narancia (Giorna): N-No! No No!

Turtle Polnareff: D-Damn it! That's impossible, how the fuck could he have-

Diavolo (Bucciarati): Mista, (YN)! scan around the area and make sure no one is near by us!

Yet...what they saw is sepmthig that they have witness before at the beach during Abbacchio's death...and that was witnessing to see another comrade death...which is Narancia, who he was impaled by several iron metal fences...

(YN) (Fugo): Narancia!!!!

Fugo wanted to go save Narancia, but (YN) hold on to him...

(YN) (Fugo): (YN), what the fuck are you doing?!? We gotta get Narancia down! Let go you bastardo!

Fugo (YN): Take it easy Fugo, calm down! We need to focus around us and not let anything happen to us! What is that bastard Diavolo gets to us as well?!

Bucciarati soon grew he yet saves Narancia...

Diavolo (Bucciarati): Go, Sticky Fingers!!!

Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now